Exhibition Sections:
- Railway transport. Railway equipment and track facilities:
- carriages and tanks
- repair locomotives and restauration trains
- passengers and goods transportation
- automation and telemechanics
- railway land side and storage facilities
- dispatcher services
- equipment for railway stations
- terminal survival systems
- equipment for carriages and airplane saloons
- special technixcal equipment for premises cleaning
- luggage shipment and storage
- reference and information systems
- River transport. River vessels:
- fishing, rescue and special vessels
- shipbuilding and vessels repair
- navigation on small rivers
- water transportation organization
- modern types and constructions of river- and seafaring vessels
- Omskaviatech. Planes and planes construction:
- air engines
- airport equipment
- hangars
- navigation systems
- repair and maintenance of planes
- small aviation and hang-gliders
- firefighting and agricultural aviation
- dispetcher services and control systems