Интеграция - 2025
АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025

SIFT - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

the next forum SIFT - 2025

International Tourist Forum

Date: 21.11.2019 - 22.11.2019 

City: Sochi - information about city

Holder: SOUD

Topic: Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments


Venue: MCC "Rose Hall"

"SIFT" is the only Congress and exhibition event in Russia that is fully focused on domestic and inbound tourism.

Per days of the TourForum will be held:

  1. 26th International tourism exhibition "Resorts and Tourism. Season 2019-2020"
  2. 20th Anniversary international specialized exhibition " Hotel and restaurant business - 2019"
  3. Congress "Strategic issues and practical solutions for domestic and inbound tourism in Russia"
  4. Familiarization and educational tours of the objects of resort and business Sochi

Congress within the framework of the Tour Forum is:
- a platform for holding field meetings of relevant departments and business structures;
- the actual content of the meetings;
- legislative and legal regulation of the industry;
- all components of the work of travel agents and tour operators;
- transport links, subsidizing the tourism industry, state support;
- methods and instruments for development and promotion of domestic tourism products;
- current concepts of development of inbound tourism;
- full range of issues for the development of the health resort industry;
- summing up the results of the past season and the formation of key trends for the new season;
- HoReCa;
- successful projects, exchange of experience;
- innovative services, programs and professional technologies.

Participants of the TourForum are tour operators and travel agents; enterprises of the sanatorium and resort complex, tourist destinations and facilities; representatives of Federal, regional and local authorities in the field of tourism and culture; tourist information centers of the Russian regions; experts and practitioners in the field of tourism industry; representatives of related industries.

The main visitors of the TourForum are specialists, first of all, tour operators and travel agents from different regions, interested in finding new contacts, establishing business relations and concluding commercial transactions.

Business benefits and features of "SIFT":
- Format - is a business platform of Federal importance.
- Time - on the eve of the winter holiday season and the new tourist year.
- Venue - the leading all-season resort of the country 100% target audience.
- Possibility of direct dialogue with representatives of Federal, regional and local authorities in the field of tourism and culture.
- Rich discussion and training program.
- The exhibition area of more than 6,000 square meters, which presents the tourist regions of Russia.
- More than 250 participants.
- Current proposals for partnership with the Tour Forum.


Additional information:
