Venue: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Vasilyevkiy Ostrov, Bol'shoy prospekt, 103, "LenExpo" exhibition complex, 4th pavillion
Exhibition sections:
- Small business in:
- Machine construction, machine-tool construction, metallurgy, metal-working;
- Industrial co-operation (subcontracting);
- Environment ecology;
- Light industry, consumers goods manufacturing and selling;
- Food industry, food goods manufacturing and selling;
- Industrial produce for municipal economy;
- Fashion industry.
- Small business state support system:
- Work with small business technologies of state and public structures;
- Ministries of Russian Federation;
- Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region administration (Committees) - municipal order to small business;
- Associations;
- Unions;
- Funds;
- Agencies.
- Small business supporting commercial services system:
- Financial (Banking institutions);
- Information (Mass-media);
- Consulting;
- Leasing.
- Businessmen education and training services systems: various educational and training insitutions, courses etc.
Exhibition working schedule:
Exposition mounting: 25.09 - 26.09.2004
Working daying: 27.09 - 30.09.2004
Exhibition dismantling: 01.10.2004
Working hours: åæåäíåâíî 10:00-18:00