Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Smart Agro: Digital Transformation in Agriculture - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

Federal IT Forum of the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex

Date: 08.10.2019 - 08.10.2019 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: ComNews

Topic: Information Technologies and Communications


Venue: Hotel "Hilton Garden Inn Moscow Krasnoselskaya"

IT forum of agro-industrial complex of Russia is a unique platform for discussion and exchange of experience on key issues and topical issues of IT in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, including innovative technologies and development of approaches to the implementation of IT projects with the participation of business, developers and the state in the new political and economic situation.

The peculiarity of the IT forum in 2019 will be that the full owners of the event will be the Directors of digital transformation (CDO) and the heads of IT services (CIO) of the largest agricultural enterprises of Russia.

The most important topic of the forum in 2019 will be the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex of Russia and technological breakthrough on the way to the accelerated development of the industry and double growth of labor productivity, as well as risk management, which creates a total digitalization. Agriculture is becoming a sector with a very intensive data flow. Information comes from various devices located in the field, on the farm, from sensors, agricultural machinery, weather stations, drones, satellites, external systems, partner platforms, suppliers. General data from different participants of the production chain, collected in one place, allow to obtain information of new quality, to find patterns, to create added value for all involved participants, to apply modern scientific methods of processing (data science) and on their basis to make the right decisions, minimizing risks, improving the business of manufacturers and customer experience.

The main topics of the forum:

  • First steps and the prospects for digital transformation in agriculture
  • Departmental project "Digital agriculture" and its "road map"
  • Digital platforms and multi-stakeholder partnerships in agriculture
  • Internet of things (IoT) technologies - application in agriculture
  • Prospects for the implementation of the "road map" "Introduction of Internet of things technologies in agriculture"
  • Remote monitoring of agricultural raw materials
  • The exchange of digital information throughout the chain of added value in agriculture (from the supplier of fertilizer/food additives/feed to retailers)
  • Application and adaptation of the ideology of "Industry 4.0" and IoT in agriculture ("Digital farm", Smart Farming)
  • Remote monitoring and predictive control of self-propelled and trailed equipment
  • Centralized data collection and analysis systems for weather conditions and specific agricultural parameters (e.g. soil moisture content or field condition)
  • Precision agriculture and digital services (including crop forecasting, mapping of weeds and diseases in the fields)
  • Unmanned vehicles and UAVs - approaches to regulation and application in agriculture
  • Application of high-precision earth remote sensing data in agriculture
  • 5G and other wireless communication technologies for ubiquitous sensor and sensor connectivity
  • Use of resources of low-orbit communication and remote sensing satellites in agriculture

Additional information:
