Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025
Здравоохранение Юга - 2025

Smart City & Region: Digital Technology Towards a Smart Country - 2020

Attention! The event is over.

7th Federal Business Forum

Date: 20.02.2020 - 20.02.2020 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: ComNews

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications, Municipal Management


Venue: Hilton St. Petersburg Expoforum

Forum Tasks:

  • Establish an open and trusting dialogue between government and business
  • Identify mechanisms for solving the main problems that are typical and relevant for all regions
  • Find new business models to address the digital transformation of cities and regions
  • Share models and experience of attracting private financing (including on the principles of PPP, concessions, service contracts, leasing, and other forms)
  • identify the best methods for assessing the level of digitalization of each city and region

An important part of the event will be the cross-regional exchange of best practices on the smart city/smart region projects. At a detailed practical level, the digitization of housing and transport will be considered - two of the most popular and problematic sectors for most cities and regions of the Russian Federation.

Forum Topics:

  1. The present and future of smart cities: a bottom-up initiative and independent search for funding tools
  2. Practical results of implementing "smart city" projects
  3. Sources of funding for the "smart city" projects
  4. Search for effective models for financing "smart city" projects
  5. Banks of solutions that can help regions implement the "smart city" project
  6. Replication of the best "smart city"/"smart region" solutions
  7. Digitalization of housing and utilities and innovative technologies
  8. Development features and digital solutions for the city's transport system
  9. Telecommunications infrastructure for "smart cities"
  10. Approaches to evaluation and the role of "intelligence" ratings of the city and region

Additional information:
