Venue: Ekateringburg, Vysotstky str., 14.
Exhibition Sections:
- Professional clothing for industry
- Spesial footwear
- Means of individual protection of respiratory apparatus, organs of vision and hearing, head and hands, from a fall from a height
- Protection means in emergency situation
- Complex means of individual protection
- Examination and modernization of dangerous industrial objects
- Drawworks safety systems and blocking
- Equipping of jib cranes with coordinate protection
- Gas-analyzers, gas alarms, sensors, controllers
- Firm and advertising clothes, uniform
- Ammunituin and equipping
- Protecting clothes and footwear for hunting and fishing
- Textiles of special and technical purposes
- Accessorise
- Logotipes, trade marks, chevrons and other symlolic, light-reflecting elements, materials, technologies, developments, equipment
- Test and sertification of uniform, protection means
- Devices and analytic wquipment for health control
- Attestation and sertification of work places
- Industial safety: ventilation, conditioning, waterpurifying, radiate safety
- Medical-and-preventive food, vitaminization
- Education, raising the level of skill in the lable protection matters
- Safe technologies - science and projec developments
- Industrial harvest technics