NDT Russia - 2025
NDT Russia - 2025

Sports Medicine - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

3rd Specialized Exhibition of Qualified Medical Service for Different Population Groups Engaged in Physical Culture and Sports Activity

Date: 20.06.2012 - 23.06.2012 

City: Sochi - information about city

Holder: Sochi-Expo

Topics: Medicine and Health Care, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments


Venue: Marine Passenger Terminal, Yuzhny Mol

The exhibition shall take place within the International Congress "Medicine of Sports. Sochi 2012".
An important component of the Congress is the 3rd All-Russian (with international participation) research and practice conference dedicated to the topical issues of research-to-practice and biomedical support to preparation of the qualified sportsmen.

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Develop an efficient Russian system of research-to-practice, and biomedical support to the preparation of sportsmen on the threshold of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London and Sochi
  2. Bring together sports experts able and willing to meet the challenges of enhancing Russia's prestige on the global sports stage, physical, moral and spiritual rehabilitation, as well as improvement in quality of the Russian citizens' life
  3. Invite the leading Russian and foreign experts in sports and sports medicine to present their reports at the research and practice conference
  4. The experts' reports shall cover the topical sports issues in the field of research-to-practice and biomedical support to preparation of the qualified sportsmen
  5. The Congress participants shall be able to discuss the topical issues of sports and sports medicine development

Exhibition Sections:

  • Medical equipment for hospitals and policlinics
  • New technologies in prevention, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation
  • Equipment and furniture for medical and health-improving institutions and offices
  • Traumatic and orthopedic surgery
  • Restorative treatment and rehabilitation of sportsmen
  • Sports equipment and protective means in sports
  • Emergency care
  • Sports pharmacology
  • Sports nutrition
  • Anti-doping laboratory
  • Cosmeceutics
  • Insurance of sportsmen
  • Specialized state agencies, public organizations
  • Sports and sports medicine in mass media and scientific publications

Additional information:
