Parking Russia - 2025
Äåíòàë-ýêñïî. Ñàìàðà - 2025

Shared Service Centers - Executive Summit - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

21st Conference

Date: 21.03.2019 - 22.03.2019 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: CFO-Russia, Prosperity Media Group

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications


Venue: Hotel "Marriott Royal Aurora"

Key topics of the conference:

  1. Improving the effectiveness of SSC: approaches and tools
  2. Trends in the work of SSC in the medium term
  3. Robotics as a new stage in the development of SSC
  4. SSC experience: comparison of international and Russian practices
  5. Features of work with the service center at different stages of formation of SSC
  6. Tools for working with SSC personnel

Additional information:
