Thematic Structure:
- Electrical and electronic devices and equipment for measurement of electrical parameters
- Measuring and control devices for electrical circuits and networks
- Electrical, electromechanical, electrophysical, electrochemical measuring equipment for not electrical parameters
- Electrical and electronic instrumentations for nuclear researches
- Electronic measuring equipment and devices for laboratories and researches.
- Oscilloscope, measurers of wave length
- Vibrating and acoustic equipment
- Magnetic and electromagnetic measuring equipment
- Test equipment for the electrical engineering and electronic industry
- Equipment for tests through stretching and static tests
- Equipment for dynamic tests
- Equipment for structures testing
- Test equipment for motor industry
- Test equipment for hydraulic and thermal application
- Equipment for tests of building materials
- Test equipment for a paper and paper mass
- Test equipment for a rubber, plastic and tanning industry
- Control and test equipment for fabrics
- Test equipment for jewels
- Equipment for special tests
- Test equipment for metals
- Test and analytical equipment for chemical industry
- Physical measuring devices, chromatography analyzers, spectrographs, x-ray and gamma radiations
- Laboratory mechanical measuring devices, gas analyzers
- Control and measuring and test equipment for railway transport and means of communication.
- The computer programs ensuring the control, management, regulation and measurement.
- Virtual measuring devices.
- Optical lenses, glasses, mirrors. Special optical devices, reflectometers
- Microscopes
- Spectrophotometric and photometric devices
- Optical measuring equipment for military purpose
- Photo equipment, photographic and projective equipment
- Cameras, film projectors and appropriate equipment
- The equipment for photo laboratories
- Meteorological devices
- Geodetic and topographical measuring equipment
- Equipment for underwater measurements and tests
- Drawing and mathematical devices and tools
- Tools for measurement of length, space, volume
- Mechanical instrumentations and tools
- Weighing and dosing equipment
- Devices for measurement, regulation and control of temperature
- Equipment of measurement and control of consumption
- Equipment of measurement and control of liquid level
- Devices for measurement of humidity, acidity, density, conductivity and viscosity
- Other monitoring systems, systems for control and regulation
- Components and accessories for the test and measuring equipment
- Equipment and devices for medical research laboratories
- Equipment for testing and repair of test and measuring devices
- Devices, equipment and engineering for the control, measurement and test of air and space engineering and technologies.
- Equipment for laboratories, testing and definition of quality in food-processing industry
- Enterprises and organizations rendering services in the field of tests, researches, definition of quality and certification