Venue: Moscow, All-Russia Exhibituon Center, pavilion ¹ 57
Exhibition Sections:
Air port, Railway station, River-boat station, Marine passenger terminal, Bus station:
- stations building and architecture
- maintenance and cleaning technics
- special transport
- maintenance and reconstruction technologies and materials
- navigation and landing systems and means
- communication systems and means, control points
- software, informational technologies
- traffic flows automated control systems
- weapon and blasting assembly detectors
- security, fire safety, rescue support systems
- supervision technics
- fuel-filling complex equipment
- freight terminal equipment
- passenger compartment interior
- stations interior, equipment, furniture
- warning and information systems
Service for passenger:
- board food equipment, technologies, packing, foodstuff
- board crockery and implements
- passenger foog production
- toilet rooms equipment, health products
- textile goods
- public catering organization
- drugstores, shops, "duty-free" shops equipment
- luggage and cargo packing equipment and materials
- stations infrastructure
- passengers and luggage automated registration systems, on-line tickets reservation
- service, insurance, communication
- manpower development
- special editions
- uniform
- investments