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Press Release


1st Uzbekistan International Exhibition "STOMATOLOGY UZBEKISTAN 2005"
April 5-7, 2005
UzExpocentre, 1st pavilion

Official support of the exhibition:
Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
JSC Uztibtechnika
Dental Association of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan
RTEC UzExpocentre

Official security-related support: Group 4.

Technical support: RA ART Design.

Official mobile communication: CO Coscom.

Information support:
General information partner in the field of radio broadcasting - Auto-radio Hamroh (Uzbekistan)
General information partner in the mass media - Joint editorial staff of the weeklies "Business-Vestnik Vostoka" and "BVV Business Report" and the UzReport.com internet portal (Uzbekistan)
Specialised edition, "Moskovskie Apteki" (Russia)
Monthly edition, "Kyrgyzstan Segodnya" (Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
Information Agency, "Vystavochny Most" (Russia)
Newspaper "Optovik Weekly" (Uzbekistan)
Group of advertising and publishing companies "PressTIG" (Uzbekistan)
Newspaper "Arguments and Facts" (Russia - Uzbekistan)
Newspaper "Tasvir" (Uzbekistan)
Newspaper "Tashkent week" (Uzbekistan)
Business Catalogue "Golden Pages" (Uzbekistan)
Specialised edition, "Dental Technique" (Russia)
Specialised edition, "Dental Asia"
Specialised edition, "Infomedix" (Italy)

Press conference.

The press conference was held on April 4, the day before the opening ceremony of the Stomatology Uzbekistan 2005 Exhibition, at Inter Continental Tashkent Hotel (the Samarkand Hall). Over 70 accredited journalists, representing the press, television and radio, took part in the press conference.

The following officials attended the press conference:

  • Mr. M. Khodjibekov (Deputy Minister for Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
  • Mr. D. Alimov, (Chairman of the Board of Directors, JSC Uztibtechnika)
  • Mr. A. Sidikov (Director of the Foreign Relations Department, Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
  • Mr. M. Faiziev (Chairman of the Board of Directors, SJSC Dory Darmon)
  • Mr. N. Kalanov (Head of the Chief Directorate of Material and Technical Base Development, Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
  • Mr. Sh. Khashimov, (Head of the Chief Directorate of Therapeutic and Sanitary Aid Provision, Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
  • Mr. P. Nigmatov (Chairman of the Dental Association of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
  • Mr. A. Tulaganov (Head of the Chief Directorate of Medicines and Technical Equipment Quality Control, Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Mr. Iain Paterson (Chairman of the Board of Directors, ITE Group Plc.), Mrs. Nigora Khasanova (Director General/ITE Uzbekistan) and Mrs. Shakhnoza Nizamova (exhibition manager/ITE Uzbekistan) represented the event's organizers.

Press releases of the exhibition were sent to ITAR-TASS, RIA Novosti, The Times of Central Asia.

Official opening ceremony.

The exhibition's official opening ceremony was attended by:

  • Mrs. Svetlana Innamova - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. Feruz Nazirov - Minister for Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    Mr. Farid Mukhametshin - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. Zenon Kukhchak - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. Nikolay Bykanov - Head of the Trade and Economic Mission of the Ukrainian Embassy
  • Mr. A. Khadjibaev, First Deputy Minister for Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. M. Khodjibekov - Deputy Minister for Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. D. Alimov - Chairman of the Board of Directors, JSC Uztibtekhnika
  • Mrs. Alimdjanova - Executive Director, Soglom Avlod Uchun International Public Foundation
  • Mrs. U. Salikhbaeva - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dory Darmon
  • Mr. S. Agzamkhodjaev - Chief Dentist of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. Rakhmatulla Nigmatov - Chairman of the Dental Association of Uzbekistan
  • Mrs. A. Kholmatova - Director of RTEC UzExpocentre

  • Among those in attendance at the exhibition's opening ceremony were also other officials from the ministries and departments of Uzbekistan.

    During the opening ceremony, the exhibition organisers were represented by:
    Mr. Iain Paterson, Chairman of the Board of Directors, ITE Group Plc
    Mrs. Nigora Khasanova, Director General, ITE Uzbekistan
    Mrs. Shakhnoza Nizamova, manager of the projects "Healthcare - Medicina Uzbekistan" and "Stomatology Uzbekistan".

    In the course of the opening ceremony, the exhibition organisers presented certificates of gratitude for the valuable support in the organisation Stomatology Uzbekistan 2005 Exhibition to the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC Uztibtechnika, the Dental Association of Uzbekistan and RTEC UzExpocentre.

    The official delegation led by Mrs. S. Innamova and Mr. F. Nazirov visited all stands of the exhibition participants.

    Seminars / Presentations.

    The 1st Tashkent International Dental Forum was held in the frame of the exhibition. On April 6, 2005 the 1st International Scientific-Practical Forum, titled "Topical issues of modern stomatology" was convened within the framework of the 1st Uzbekistan International Exhibition Stomatology Uzbekistan 2005. The event took place at the UzExpocentre's Atrium Hall in Tashkent.

    The forum was organized by the International Exhibition Company, ITE Uzbekistan, with appreciable assistance rendered by the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Stomatologists' Association of Uzbekistan and the 1st Tashkent State Medical Institute.

    The leading researchers in the field of stomatology from Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany and Uzbekistan participated in the forum, giving careful consideration to various pressing issues and problems of modern stomatology.

    Prof. S. Agzamkhodjaev, Chief Dentist at the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, opened the International Dental Forum. In particular, he accentuated the topicality of conducting international forums, which enable specialists in the field of Stomatology to familiarize themselves with advanced methods of diagnostics and treatment, to exchange experience with their foreign colleagues and to associate with the leading scholars from the "near" and "far" abroad countries.

    At the forum, the following reports were delivered: "Dental Implants" (Dr. Baruh Aminov, Israel); "Modern local treatment methods of festering maxillofacial wounds" (Prof. V. Balin, Russia); "Treatment of root channels using materials made by Produits Dentaire S.A." (Switzerland); "Grandio, a highly esthetical photo-composite material created on the basis of nano-technologies" (Voco GmbH, Germany); "Prosthetics, produce made by Vita Zahnfabrik" (G. Kulbashina, Germany); "3D Master System", "Acquaintance with the latest developments of Optica Laser" (Bulgaria); "Photo-polymerization of photo-composites: a lamp created on the basis of LEGENERGY photo-diodes"; Restoration. "Esthetics and durability - Valux Plus and Filtek Z 250" and "Efficiency of application in stomatological practice of anesthetics Septonest (Septodont) and Ubistesin 3M ESPE" (O. Bochkareva, Kazakhstan).

    Official Evening Party.

    The official evening party dedicated to the inauguration of the Stomatology Uzbekistan 2005 Exhibition took place in the Amir Temur Hall of Inter Continental-Tashkent Hotel on April 5, the first day of the exhibition. Among over 300 attendees were exhibition participants, officials, representatives of the mass media, VIP guests of the exhibition and the team of ITE Uzbekistan.


    In 2005, the 1st Uzbekistan International Exhibition "Stomatology Uzbekistan" was participated by as many as 25 companies from 10 countries, including Bulgaria, Brazil, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Uzbekistan and Switzerland.

    Representatives and exports managers of famous companies, manufacturing medical produce, from France, Germany, Turkey, Russia and Ukraine attended the exhibition. The biggest dealer companies operating in Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan and Turkmenistan were also represented at the exhibition. Stomatology Uzbekistan 2005 was visited by upwards of 4,000 specialists from all provinces of Uzbekistan, including its remote regions. Lecturers from domestic medical institutes visited the exhibition with groups of students, with these visits being specifically planned beforehand. Year in, year out a given exhibition allows all healthcare specialists to get to know the latest achievements in the fields of new technologies, medical equipment and stomatology, as well as to establish business contacts, thereby expanding the scope for cooperation between overseas and Uzbek companies on terms of mutual benefit.


    Companies from the CIS member states were represented by the following exhibition participants:
    The Distribution and Technical Center, KORAL; ZAO STOMADENT, KMIZ, VLADMIVA, TOO SIMPOS, TOO SIAMED, AMIKO RENTGEN , MIZ GORKEY, and the ELATOMSK Plant of medical equipment.

    The Uzbek companies taking part in the exhibition included:

    The following foreign companies participated in the exhibition:

    Prospects for development of the Stomatology Uzbekistan 2005 Exhibition.

    The 1st Uzbek International Exhibition, Stomatology Uzbekistan 2005 generated a great deal of interest in professionals and experts in the field of stomatology. The present situation graphically demonstrates the need to convene specialized exhibitions and other similar events in Uzbekistan, in order to facilitate the development of corresponding infrastructure, as well as to attract new technologies, services, know-how and investments to the national economy.

    And the decision to organize in 2006 a range of specialized exhibitions under the title TIHE-2006 - Tashkent International Healthcare Exhibitions was, therefore, quite appropriate. Conducting three specialized exhibitions simultaneously has become possible thanks to the 10-year experience and material base of the TIHE - Medicina Uzbekistan Exhibition.


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