Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Khakasia: Building, Power Generation, Housing and Public Utilities - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

4th Interregional Specialized Exhibition

Date: 30.05.2007 - 01.06.2007 

City: Abakan - information about city

Holder: SibExpoService

Topic: Building and real estate


Venue: Republican House of Culture (Lenin st., 76).

Exhibition Sections:

  • New building technologies and materials
  • Facade and roofing materials, external furnishing
  • Electric equipment, lighting devices, insulating materials
  • Windows, doors, gates, lattices, fences, glass, hardware
  • Wood processing, saw-timbers and joiner's products, floors, parquet
  • Paint and varnish materials, glues, fillings, knitting materials, linoleums and wall-papers
  • Building and road machines, mechanisms, equipment, overalls
  • Design of interiors, ladders, columns, ramps, arches, furnaces and fireplaces, materials for internal furnishing
  • Landscape designing, small architectural forms
  • Industrial construction - concrete products, brick, hardware and structure
  • Electric supply; heat supply; gas supply; water supply
  • New energy saving technologies and materials
  • Materials and systems of electro-, hydro- and heat insulation
  • Systems of heating, ventilation, water supply, water purification and water drainage
  • Systems and technologies of independent power supply, devices of heat, light and water metering
  • Ecologically pure energy sources

Additional information:
