Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Stroytech - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

12th Specialized Trade Show for Construction Technologies, Equipment, Road-Building Machinery and Construction Materials-Basic Exhibition of the State Committee of Construction, Housing and Communal and Complex

Date: 24.02.2004 - 28.02.2004 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topic: Building and real estate


The exhibition is a part of the 12-th Sokolniki International Construction Week.
The Week also includes:
BETONEX - Cement and Concrete for Capital and Landscape Construction
RFI - Roofing & Insulation
BAUSTEIN-2004 - Ceramics and Stone)
CAFLEX - Carpets and Flooring World
WALLDECO - Wall, Ceiling Decoration
SWE - Windows and Doors World
LIGHTEXPO - World of Light
International specialized salon "Home Textile"

Each exhibition will be located separately.

Main sectors:

  • Architectural and town-planning projects, design;
  • Construction of buildings and cottages, repair and construction works, restoration;
  • Landscape architecture (winter gardens, artificial water reservoirs, arbours, playgrounds for children etc.)
  • Effective, environmentally friendly construction materials and equipment for their manufacture;
  • Construction materials based on local raw stuff;
  • Up-to-date energy-efficient and resources-economy technologies;
  • Building, road-building and municipal machines, automation and control facilities;
  • Construction systems, metallic structures, fast erectable and movable buildings;
  • Elevators
  • Bridges and tunnels;
  • Scaffolding, winches, casing systems;
  • Inter-room partitions, wooden structures;
  • Engineering and transportation infrastructure, energy-saving in housing and municipal economy; engineering equipment;
  • Technologies of highways' construction in cities and suburbs; road and transport safety, ecology in town-planning;
  • Specialized editions for construction and municipal economy etc.

Additional information:
