CleanExpo Óðàë -2025

Sweets - 2002

Attention! The event is over.

The 8th specialized trade fair of confectionery products.

Date: 13.11.2002 - 16.11.2002 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: ACCO International

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Venue: Ukraine, Kiev, Exhibition Centre "ACCO INTERNATIONAL"

Organizers of the exhibition:


The main directions of the exhibition:

  • all kinds of confectionery products
  • row materials and ingredients
  • equipment and technologies for confectionery products and packaging production
  • semifinished materials
  • equipment and technologies for confectionery products decorating

For the seventh time exhibition confirmed its status of leading confectionery exhibition in Ukraine:

  • number of exhibitors comparing with 2000 year grew in 20% (70 companies in 2001)
  • exhibition area (net) increased for 39 % and compounded 1000 sqm
  • number of visitors reached 20 000 persons

Additional information:
