Venue: International Fair Grounds.
Exhibition Sections:
- Boring technologies and equipment
- Pipes, gas and oil pipelines
- Equipment for gas processing
- Investigation, extraction, storage and transportation of oil and gas
- Clearing of pipelines and commissioning
- Seismic stable equipment
- Corrosion-resistant coatings and other corrosion protection means
- Technologies and equipment for construction and operation of pipelines
- Technologies and equipment for clearing, oil storage construction, metal constructions
- Tool for welding
- Generators
- Geophysical and geological equipment
- Instrumentation
- Valves, fittings, armature, isolation, greasings, service, logging
- Chemicals, chisel solutions and liquids
- Communication equipment
- Complete equipment, compressors, pumps
- Condensers
- Tanks and means for storage and transportations of oil and gas
- Electric cables
- Engineering and building services
- Protection of environment
- Fire-prevention equipment
- Software and systems of automation
- Insulating materials
- Consultations, inspection, audit
- Trade papers, associations and societies