Venue: Exhibition Halls named after P. Alabin, 142, Leninckaya st.
Exhibition Sections:
- Narrowband and broadband telecommunication networks
- Digital systems of channels transfer and condensation
- Internet access equipment
- Networks: ISDN, networks with switching packages, IP-networks, local networks Ethernet, networks NGN, intellectual networks
- Control systems of networks
- Services ISDN and intellectual networks
- Computer telephony services
- Wireless communication technologies
- Satellite communication
- Mobile communication
- Protection and safety software-technical complexes
- Protection technical systems
- Video observation and videocontrol systems
- Monitoring systems and access control
- Security signal system
- Security perimeter systems
- Complex and information safety at enterprises
Information Technologies:
- Intellectual buildings
- Business-processes automation
- Software for financial and economic analysis, budgeting, personnel management, databases managements
- Information-billing systems
- Equipment for plastic cards production
- Computers and office equipment
- Cable equipment
- Software
- Light systems or light control systems
- Intellectual buildings control systems
- Presentation systems, videoconferences
- Multizone audio-video systems
- Household videoprojective systems
- Multimedia systems