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Textile Expo Uzbekistan - 2005

Attention! The event is over.

2nd International Exhibition

Date: 06.09.2005 - 08.09.2005 

City: Tashkent - information about city

Holder: Iteca Exhibitions

Topic: Consumer Goods


2004 Statistics:

Exhibitors: over 70 companies form 15 countries of the World.

Exhibition area: 1000 sq.m.

Visitors: over 7000 professional visitors from 25 countries were registered during 3 days of the exhibition.

Exhibitors of textile expo 2004

A.Monforts, Alkim Tekstil, Amf Reece Cr, Ams Tekstil Makinalari, Ars Makina, Arsham Koosha, Beneks, China National Textiles Import&Export Corporation (Chinatex), Dilmenler, Edemak Ede Makina, Elips Tekstil, Eurosib Spb Transport Systems, Eurostyle, Fleissner Gmbh, Gerber Technology, Glengo Tekstil, Glengo Ithalat Ihracat Mumessillik A.S., Gruppo Tekstil, Gtm Goller Textilmaschinen Gmbh, Gurlan, Inelli Plastik, Inoks Tekstil Makinalari, Interfaser Handels Gmbh, Interlana, Ivchesmash, J.E.T. Japan Eurotex, Juki (Europe) Gmbh, Kabool Fergana Jv, Kabool Uzbek Jv, Khiva Carpet, Krashaya Mayovka, Kromsan Makina, Kynol Europa Gmbh, Ltg Engineering Gmbh, Luwa, Marland Jv, Mateks Makine Tekstil, Moscow Experimental Plant №1, Minerva Boskovice A.S., Motex, Okhta, Proico, Remiz, Reiner+Furst, Reiter Machine Works, Sayhunmedtex, Saurer Group, Schlafhorst, Shark Model, Serteks Makina, Sibvolokno, Stork Prints B.V., Supertex Industries, Technohim, Techplastmass, Teknik Fair, Tekma Tekstil, Teksma, Тексо, Textilemash, Terrot Strickmaschinen Gmbh, Tetas Tekstil A.S., Textima Export Import Gmbh, Thies Gmbh, Timsan Tekstil Makina, Temsad, Tolon Makina, Truetzchler Gmbh, Uzbekyengilsanoat, Volkmann, Ya.Dem. Tekstil, Yurekli Tekstil, Zimmer Maschinenbau Gmbh, Zinser


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