Exhibition Sections:
- All kinds of motor transport
- Public conveyances
- Road building machines, municipal engineering, lifting cranes, lifting-and-shifting machines and mechanisms
- Vehicles for the transportation of oil products
- Equipment for service centers
- Auto parts, spare parts
- Auto-chemistry, auto-cosmetics
- Car wash, equiment and component parts
- Engineering and service road improvements
- Filling stations, equipment, devices, projecting
- Transport safety and ecology
- Air and railway transport
- Technics, equipment, systems of efficiency maintenance of airport buildings and railway stations
- Working clothes
- Organization of passenger traffic and goods transportation
- Specialized literature
- Road-building technologies, reconstruction, repair, maintenance of roads and bridges
- Diagnostics of the roads quality
- GIS( Geographic Information System) and projection of motor roads
- Insurance services
- Logistic services, technologies,storehouse equipment, handling machines