Exhibition Tubotech is held annually. The main sponsor of the
exhibition "Tubotech" is ITA (International Tube Association). The success of the exhibition increased at large owing to the fact that it is
held together with
annual exhibition Metaltech - fair for enterprises on manufacture of
cold-drawn wire, metal rolling and alloy. Industry in India is growing at the rate of 10-12% per annum. Approximately
6,000 pumps
& 20,000 valves are manufactured per day in India by 500 large, medium & small
scale manufacturers in India. All core sectors of industry in India, and namely power, oil & gas, water &
infrastructure projects,
metal and mining, chemicals, drugs & pharmaceuticals & food and beverages
require various types of pumps & valves and each of these industries, are
growing at exorbitant speed today. The demand for valves is going to increase by 30-40% and pump
business will be increased proportionally.
Exhibition Sections:
- Fittings
- Quick-split joints
- Flanges
- Hosepipes and hoses
- Tubes
- Valves
- Clamps
- Cross-sections
- Tools
- Ring compressors
- Layer pads, flowmeter
- Connectors
- General mechanical rubber goods
- Programms
- Projects
- Services and consulting