UMIDS - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

7th Southern Furniture and Woodfarming Interior

Date: 25.03.2004 - 28.03.2004 

City: Krasnodar - information about city

Holder: "KrasnodarEXPO"

Topics: Furniture and Office Equipment, HoReCa, Industrial Exhibitions


By investment attractiveness Krasnodar Region occupies the third place among the subjects of Russian Federation giving place only to Moscow and Moscow Oblast. Its share is 3.7% of total investment to the economy of Russia and 37.3% of the investments to the South Federal District.

Out of the total volume the largest part of investments have been directed to the transport complex - 61,9%, to the industry - 11,1%, to public health protection, physical culture and social security - 8,7%, to agriculture - 5,3%, to communications - 3,9%.

By the volume of accumulated (from 1995 to 2001) direct foreign investments Krasnodar region occupies the 4-th place in Russia (after Moscow, Moscow and Sakhalin Oblasts).

In the total volume of direct foreign investments the share of the Region is 17.2% corresponding to the second place in Russia (after Moscow).

In 2001 enterprises produced commodities for the amount of 14 802 mln. Rubles (116,3% compared to 2000).

Small business of Kuban produces one-fifth of tax regional product and by main features of business is in the first twenty regions of Russia. In the South Ffederal District Krasnodar Region is leader in the number of employees and in the volume of realization of commodities in this field. The share of small business enterprises in the total volume of production in the Region is 18%.

According to the data of the rating Agency Expert RA Krasnodar region occupies:

  • 4-th place in Russia (after Moscow, Moscow Oblast and Saint Petersburg) by labor potential (the share of specialists with higher education in the total number of employed is 34,5%)
  • 5-th place in Russia (after Moscow, Moscow Oblast, Saint Petersburg and Republic of Bashkortostan) by consumer potential (the turnover of retail trade per capita pf population in 2000 amounted to 10 799,21 rubles).

The Region is one of the most densely populated regions of the country: population comprises 5068 thousand people or 3.4% of Russian population.


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