ПромтехЭКСПО - 2025
Продукты питания - 2025

Press Release



4 -7 October 2005


Post-Show Report



  1. PRIMEXPO (St.Petersburg)
  2. ITE Group Plc (London)
  3. RESTEC (St.Petersburg)


Official support:

Committee on the Economic Development Industrial Policiy and Trade


Sub-committee for Developing the Packaging Industry of the Committee for Industrial Development and High Technology of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation


Exhibition profile:

All types of packaging — pharmaceutical, cosmetic, jewelry, gifts, packaging for food products, industrial andother. Packaging equipment and machinery: bottling lines, packaging, dozing, weighing, auxiliary and other equipment Corking Packaging materials and products: cardboard, plastic, polymers, foil, tin, aluminium, etc. Equipment for production of packaging materials and products Raw materials for production of packaging products All types of containers: transport, ware-house (metallic, glass) Packaging design Component materials for production of packaging


The world of packaging paper Production, modern technologies Packing, metallized, water and grease proof, and parchment paper Metallic packaging (packing aluminium) Blown plastic packaging Labels, tags and marking production equipment Main and auxiliary materials for production of labels, tags and markings Labeling equipment Bar-code and safety technology Polygraphy: equipment, expendables, services Services


In 2005 the international exhibition UPEM united 103 exhibiting companies with more than 7,500 visitors. Some exhibitors presented multiple trademarks, including products of world famous manufacturers from Italy, Israel, UK, France, China, Japan, Poland, Lithuania and Brazil. Russian companies also presented their latest developments. UPEM has broad appeal as every participant presented wide range of packaging for different fields of industry: from food and cosmetic packaging to packaging for household appliances, furniture and dishes. One could find highly-precise medical equipment for drug package and high-volume packaging that can be used in any production. Visitors came from St.Petersburg, Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda, Murmansk, Archangelsk and other cities from North-West Russia as well as Central Russia, Ural, Siberia, CIS and the Baltic States. Among them were producers of food products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, household chemistry, paint and varnish, construction materials, clothes and shoes, furniture and household appliances. The exhibition was visited by representatives of shops, hypermarkets, shipping companies and packaging enterprises.



Press Conference:


The press conference dedicated to exhibition opening was held on 4th October and gathered more than 20 representatives of mass-media.


Speakers included:

  1. Boiko А.G. Chairman of the Sub-committee for Developing the Packaging Industry of the Committee for Industrial Development and High Technology of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce of the Russian Federation;
  2. Kuprina M.V. Exhibition Manager, RESTEC;
  3. Sosnina T.V. Exhibition Manager, Primexpo;
  4. Kartoshkina S.V. PR Director, Primexpo.


Boiko A.G. mentioned in his speech:

"I consider that UPEM exhibition has solid grounds here in St.Petersburg to become the main regional exhibition… Consumers of packaging show stable development which guarantees packaging manufacturers successful work in future".


Official opening ceremony:


The following people took part:

  1. Prokopenko S.T. Chairman of Consumer Market Coordination Department, Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade;
  2. Boiko А.G. Chairman of the Sub-committee for Developing the Packaging Industry of the Committee for Industrial Development and High Technology of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce of the Russian Federation;
  3. Kirsanov S.P. General Director, RESTEC;
  4. Lunina E.A. Exhibition Director, RESTEC;
  5. Semenova A.V. Exhibition Director, PRIMEXPO.


Gala Reception:




Original stand design




Successful exhibition debut




The official gala reception took place at the Last Palace. Awards ceremony among participants was held during the reception. The nominations included: "Original stand design" and "Successful exhibition debut".


Business programme:


The first UPEM exhibition was praised for its business programme and this continued in 2005. The exhibition was accompanied by seminars, master-classes and traditional competition "Packaging as a Purchase Motivator".


On 5th October the seminar "Pharmaceutical Packaging School — Express Course" was held at Lenexpo, organised by the Progress-Center and Primexpo, officially supported by Department of industrial policy in medical and biotechno-logical industry, Department of industry, Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation. More than 80 specialists participated in the seminar: producers of pharmaceuticals, interhospital complex, pharmacies, enterprises, m onitoring pharmaceuticals quality, packaging companies from different cities of Russia made 17 reports. Among them r epresentatives of GUS "SZZKKiSLS"), Russian section of SPEunion (Society of Plastics Engineers), St.Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy, District center of certification of the North-West Russia, GAI-K, NTFF Polisan, Tom-Limited, VIPSMED, Block West Holding, Medproject companies, OSO VNZ BAV, association Electromechanica.

All delegates received certificates.


On 6th October seminar, "Information — your key to market success" was held by Esmerk company. Participants discussed trends of the packaging industry, market indicators etc.


The same day ARM-Jupiter held a seminar titled "Practical technology of brand creation".

The business programme included master-classes for festive packaging "Pack It Up, Please!". Visitors got acquainted withstylish trends of festive packaging and rules of corporate presents and souvenirs decoration. All visitors received presents.


Annual "Packaging as a Purchase Motivator" competition (Successful Packaging Award): participants presented products and new developments of packagers, designers and producers from different regions of Russia. The winners were announced by expert council, the main criterias were quality of products, novelty, correspondence with national and international standards.


Among the winners there were companies Elena, Bigorpack, Nevsky Znak, Centrupack, Asterix, Murmanskiy Tarniy Combinat, Alaskapolygraphoformlenie, Esma, Apeks SPb, Kappa St.Petersburg, Neoprint.


Exhibitor Testimonials:


"Our company participated in the competition. The approach of the organisers provided good conditions for communication with visitors… We plan to participate in the exhibition next year".

G. Petrovsky

Head of Marketing and Sales Manager

ESMA (Moscow region)


"We participated in this exhibition for the first time. We enjoyed the exhibition because it is very "communicative"… It appeared to be that competition for us is not very high. The exhibition was successful for us, and we plan to participate next year".

E. Evdokimova

Sales Manager

METAPLAST (Tverskaya region)


"We participate for the second year. This time the exhibition exceeded our expectations because of the quality of visitors from different regions of Russia. Of course we will participate next year".

N. Vlasova

Head of the St.Petersburg representation

YUKKA and Co (St.Petersburg)


"This year the exhibition is much better than last year. We hope that it will continue to develop and become widely known. We have got a lot of regional visitors: from Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Blagoveshensk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnodar, essentially all the country".

D. FedorovMarketing




"It is long since we've seen something like this! We managed not only to sign contracts on sales of our equipment right at the exhibition but also after the exhibition we had a great number of telephone calls and got several large clients".

A. Kalinina

Marketing Specialist

SIKOM (St.Petersburg)


"We had a lot of regional visitors connected with our products. More than 80% — professionals, acquainted with packaging industry".

N. Medvedeva

Director of Regional Sales Department

FACTORIA (St.Petersburg)

Next year UPEM exhibition will be held at Lenexpo on 14-17 November.





Additional information:
