CPM - Collection Premiere Moscow - 2025

Metalworking. Ural / UralMetalExpo - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

11th International Specialized Exhibition of Metalworking Equipment and Services for Machine Building

Date: 24.09.2014 - 26.09.2014 

City: Ekaterinburg - information about city

Holder: RTE-GROUP, Deutsche Messe Rus

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: International Exhibition Center "Yekaterinburg-Expo"

"Metalworking. Ural / UralMetalExpo" - is:

  • Individual business meetings with potential customers - managers and specialists from the Urals, industrial regions of Russia where large machine-building plants, including military-industrial complex, are concentrated and need modernization and rearmament
  • Convenient delivery, unloading and demonstration of high-precision heavy machinery thanks to technical capabilities of the exhibition complex IEC "Ekaterinburg Expo" with 130 000 square meters area corresponding to the highest international standards
  • Leaders of major national engineering associations, industrial development organizations, associations and unions participating in the forum
  • Excellent opportunity to present latest developments and equipment. Participation in the forum's business program of government representatives, managers and leading specialists of the largest industrial corporations, engineering companies, equipment suppliers and business customers
  • Large-scale advertising campaign, attracting a large number of trade visitors to the exhibition
  • Opportunity for business development in the Urals region, establishing new professional contacts, share experiences, conclude business contracts
  • A way out to the regional industrial market for the companies from different countries with an opportunity to assess the favorable business climate in Russia
  • Additional attraction of domestic and foreign investments in order to develop Russian industry

"Metalworking. Ural / UralMetalExpo" is a business ground, meeting point for suppliers and consumers, concentration of metalworking technologies and equipment that can be seen in action.

"Metalworking. Ural / UralMetalExpo" is an absolute leader among specialized projects of Yekaterinburg in relation to the quantities of supplied equipment and expert visitors.

Machines and components from the leading manufacturers from Austria, Germany, Italy, Russia, Switzerland and other countries are presented at "Metalworking. Ural / UralMetalExpo" every year. The exhibition is a business ground and meeting point of suppliers and consumers, the number of which grows year by year.

Most visitors are the representatives of Ural plants and factories – from the leaders of the corporate giants to the mid-sized and small business executives.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Metal cutting equipment
  • Press-forging equipment
  • Foundry equipment
  • Welding equipment. Special techniques in welding
  • Equipment, tools, materials and technologies for surface treatment and coating
  • Tools for machine tools: metal, abrasives, threading
  • Gauging machines, instruments and tools
  • Components and products, including CNC systems, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, electric motors. Bearings. Tooling. Materials for metal cutting and treatment
  • Automated process control and manufacturing, industrial automation. Robots, systems and components, ITs
  • Retrofitting and modernization of equipment. Leasing. Subcontracting
  • Investment and innovation projects, technological and engineering developments, vocational education

Additional information:
