Venue: Mordoviaexpocentre
The exhibition and forum is held with the blessing of the most eminent Varsofoniy, Ãëàâû Ìîðäîâñêîé ìèòðîïîëèè, metropolitan of Saransk and Mordovia, Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate.
The exhibition-forum is timed to coincide with the memorial day dedicated to patron saint Fyodor Ushakov (15th of October).
The exhibition and forum is focused on integrating efforts of Russian Orthodox Church, secular authorities and society for preservation and development of traditional spiritual values of domestic culture, art and morality.
During the exhibition and forum the hierolatry for honor Orthodox relics from all across the Russia and countries of the near abroad will take place.
Exhibition Sections:
- Ministration, cultural and social activity of the Russian Orthodox Church, religious houses and temples
- Social projects and charity of social organizations, charitable trusts
- Religious centers of Russia, pilgrimage
- Recovery and restoration of orthodox relics
- Church decoration and attributes, apparels and headdresses
- Informal dresses for churchmen and churchgoers
- Religious education and enlightenment, orthodox literature and mass media
- Icon painting
- Bell founding
- Orthodox traditions in fine art and jewelry
- Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts, gifts for orthodox holidays
- Abstentious meal and traditional orthodox recipes, honey and apicultural products
- Light industrial goods