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Press Release

"Security, Safety and Fire Protection - CAIPS 2005"

1-st Central Asian International Exhibition "Security, Safety and Fire Protection - CAIPS 2005".
June 1-3, 2005
Central Hall "Uzexpocenter", Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Official Support:
Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MIF RU)
Ministry of Internal Affairs Fire Safety Central Administrative Board of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Flight Safety State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MCHS)
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Organizational Assistance by:
"Uzexpocenter" Republican Trade and Exhibition Center

Public Broadcasting General Information Partner:
"Hamroh" Radio (FM-102)

Mass Media General Information Partner:
"Business Herald of East" the weekly periodic joint editors and UzReport.com Internet portal

Security Official Support:
"Group 4" Security Agency

Technical Support:
Art Design Ltd

Information Support:
"PressTIJ", a group of advertising and publishing companies (Uzbekistan)
"Tashkent Week" newspaper (Uzbekistan)
"Golden Pages" (Uzbekistan)
"Vistavochniy Most" Information Agency (Russia)
SEC.RU Security Portal
SEC.UZ Security Portal
"Fire Safety" Journal of MIF RU

Opening Ceremony.

The below persons presented at the Opening Ceremony:

  • Mr. Shadmanov
    Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. N. Shadmankhodjaev
    Ministry of Internal Affairs Fire Safety Central Administrative Board of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. K. Tursunov
    Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. S. Akaev
    Flight Safety State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Mr. Kh. Mashhadi
    The Director of International Organization for Chemical and Biological Weapons Ban
  • Mr. Irmatov
    "Uzekspocenter" Republican Trade and Exhibition Center Deputy Director

Exhibition Organizers` Representatives:

  • Ms. N. Khasanova
    ITE Uzbekistan General Director
  • Ms. V. Garmash
    CAIPS 2005 Director

The official delegation visited all stands of the exhibition's participants and fully familiarized itself with all expositions for cooperation of the specialists of the above listed Ministries and Authorities. During the Opening Ceremony the organizers presented Gratitude Certificates for active participation in and support of CAIPS 2005 Exhibition to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Internal Affairs Fire Safety Central Administrative Board of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Flight Safety State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the framework of the Project it was declared and held the Competition for the best CAIPS 2005 innovation product in 3 nominations, as follows:

  • Best innovation product of security equipment
  • Best innovation product of fire protection
  • Best innovation product of anti-terrorist equipment

The competition was arranged in two rounds. The first round took place on May 26, 2005. The jury studied the materials submitted by the participants of CAIPS 2005 Exhibition and selected the most interesting and technically innovative projects as per the 3 nominations.

In accordance with the results of the 1st round of "Best Innovation Product" Competition, the below companies were admitted to the 2nd round:

  • Uzrosstechno
  • Building Technologies
  • Vokord
  • Assorty Komponent
  • Etalon
  • Umirs Vostok
  • Teckon
  • Secto

The second round of the Competition was held within CAIPS 2005 Exhibition. At the end of the first day of the Exhibition the Jury reviewed the competition results and declared the winners. The winners were presented Remembrance Trophies and Awards of the first, second and third degrees.

The Jury included representatives of Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Internal Affairs Fire Safety Central Administrative Board of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Flight Safety State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "Ohrana" PO, "Group 4" Security Agency, "Fire Safety" Journal editors.

Competition Results.

"Umirs-Umirs Vostok" Company was declared by the Judges as the winner of the Best Innovation Product Competition in the "Best Security Innovation Product" nomination. It was presented the 1st degree Award and a remembrance trophy. The 2nd degree Award was presented to "Uzross-Techno", an Uzbek-Russian joint venture, ("Pentakon" Corporation). "Assorty Komponents" company was presented the 3-rd degree Award.

"Uzross-Techno", an Uzbek-Russian joint venture, ("Pentakon" Corporation) was declared the winner of the "Antiterrorist Best Innovation Product" nomination of the "Best Innovation Product" Competition. It was presented the 1st degree Award and a remembrance trophy.

"Umirs-Umirs Vostok" Company received the 2nd degree Award. The 3rd degree Award was presented to "Vinland" Company.

"Building Technologies" Company became the winner of the "Fire Safety Equipment Best Innovation Product" nomination. It was presented 1st degree Award and a remembrance trophy. "Etalon" Company got the 2nd degree Award. The "Assorty Komponents" company was presented the 3-rd degree Award.

Additional awards of "Fire Safety" Journal for implementation of self-sufficient plants for gas and powder fire-fighting and fire extinguishers were presented to:

  • "Assorty Komponents"
  • "Sistem Service"

Official Evening Reception / Awards Presentation Ceremony.

Official Evening Reception devoted to CAIPS 2005 Exhibition opening was held on June 1 in "Los Amigos" restaurant at "Intercontinental" Hotel. About 100 Exhibition participants, officials, ITE Group Plc and ITE Uzbekistan partners and mass media representatives took part in the Evening Reception.

The Ceremony of Awards and Remembrance Trophies Presentation to participants of "CAIPS 2005 Best Innovation Product" Competition took place at the Evening Reception.

The following major companies participated in "Security, Safety and Fire Protection - CAIPS 2005 " Exhibition (CAIPS 2005):

  • Assosiation of Textile and Light Enterprises "Vostok-Service" is the biggest Russian manufacturer and distributor of means of labour protection. "Vostok-Service" company includes 16 sewing, shoe, textile factories. "Vostok-Service" cooperates with the world-leading suppliers which have wide experience in production of means of labour protection. Among our strategic partners are such companies as 3М, Ansell, UVEX, Bacou Dalloz Group, Stockhausen, Heckel Securite, Trelleborg, Klopman International. Among our Russian partners are "Tambovmash", "Suksun Optomechanical Plant" and others. "Vostok-Service" company is represented by JV "Toprey Textile Ltd." at Uzbek market
  • The Fire Fighting Division of the IVECO MAGIRUS thus enabling them to be the only menufacturer to offer a Full Range of fire fighting vehicles world wide from one source
  • The IVECO MAGIRUS ran go is inimitable: from command vehicles, multi-purpose vehicles, rapld Intervention rescue vehicles or small tank pumps as well as standard and specialpurposr tank pumpes,rescue and equipment vehicles, even as far as our unglues far as our aerial rescue vehicles including turntable ladders, aerial telescope platforms and multi-functional vehicles. Innovative products, state of the art manufacturing, all-round advice, intensive training for our customers and representatives in more than 140 countries guarantee not only an excellent service but also an intensive dialogue with fire brigades throughout the world
  • NIKIRET is a specialized enterprise. It has been developing integrated security systems for about 30 years. Designing, production and installation of stationary and portable microwave, wire-wave, vibration, vibroseismic, impact detectors, access control systems, data acquisition & display systems, remote power supply systems, locks of high security and durability and engineering barriers. Development of security concepts and threat assessment. Development of design estimates, assembling, starting-up and adjustment. Staff training, consultations on engineering. Testing and certification of equipment
  • Intermicro Ltd. was established in 1989 for implementation of the activity in Central Asian high technologies market. Since then the company is a pioneer in the field of introduction of state-of-the-art telecommunication achievements and their adaptation to local conditions. It is a multi-brand integrator, supplying computer equipment, as well as guard television and access control systems, electronic control systems, special systems for governmental and military users, communication systems of different level - starting from simple analog to high-tech communication systems, management and control systems, as well as telemetry for oil, gas and water industry. Within the years of its activity hundreds of ministries and departments, private and non-governmental organizations and funds, as well as international institutions have become customers of the company
  • Uzbek-Russian JV "UZROSS-TECHNO" is a part of the international "PENTAKON" corporation which is one the dynamically developing corporations in the field of modern security technologies. The company is one of the leaders in the field of supply, integration, designing and installation of up-to-date security systems. Nowadays we offer the most up-to-date security, access control and surveillance systems such as "VideoNet" local and remote control system
    • APK "Potok" identification and registration of car license plates system
    • System of perimeter security
    • System of access control
    • System of face identification

Our main customers are the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State borders guarding committee of the National Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UNODC Regional UN representative office on drugs and crime issues, Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, International Airport in Samarkand city, Bukhara Petroleum Refinery.


About 4000 visitors from provinces of Uzbekistan and other Central-Asian Republics (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, etc.) visited the Exhibition. Over 2700 qualified visitors were registered by computers within 3 exhibition days including 1300 visitors registered during the first day.

CAIPS 2005 Development Prospects.

Arrangement of this exhibition is necessary. At present the industry of life and activity safety is topical. The held Exhibition showed popularity of this industry in Uzbekistan. Participants interviewing showed wish of companies to take part in this exhibition annually.


Additional information:
