Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Victory Day - 2008

Attention! The event is over.

1st All-Russian Exhibition-Competition of Stand Modelling

Date: 28.04.2008 - 12.05.2008 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: JSC "Zvezda"

Topics: Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Society


Venue: CKI "Meridian", 61, Profsojuznaya st., Woscow.

Exhibition-Competition is held for the following age groups (divisions) and nominations:
- The first group - children (10-17 year-old)
- The second group - grownups (from 18 year-old)

For all groups (divisions) the following nominations exist:

  • Armoured vehicles at a scale of 1 in 35
    • armoured vehicles of World War the Second
    • modern armoured vehicles

    • notes: artillery and vehicles, which were not put in the corresponding nomination are considered here
  • Armoured vehicles at a scale of 1 in 72
    notes: artillery and vehicles, which were not put in the corresponding nomination are considered here
  • Diaramas. All scales takes part
    notes: separate figures, attached to armoured vehicle models are not considered in the nomination and don't make up diarama with the model. Figures without stands are not allowed to the exhibition-competition
    - diaramas without boxes of the size no more than 40х60х40 sentimeters are admited to the exhibition
    - if diorama doesn't fit into afore mentioned size, it should obligatory have special box preserving it from damages
    - diaramas which don't meet the requirements are not allowed to take part in the exhibition
  • Aircrafts at a scale of 1 in 48 and over
    • propelled aircrafts
    • jet aircrafts
  • Aircrafts at a scale of 1 in 72
    • propelled aircrafts
    • jet aircrafts
  • Civil aircrafts. All scales take part
  • Helicopters. All scales take part
  • Navy. All scales take part
  • Selfmade models. All scales take part
    - all trends and methods of models making are allowable
  • Figures
    • military historic miniatures at a scale of 1 in 72 and 28 milimeters
    • military historic miniatures at a scale of 54 milimeters and more
    • fantasy figures

Additional information:
