Venue: Regional Exhibition Center
Exhibition Goals:
- The development of intersectoral, interregional and international cooperation of high-tech enterprises, research organizations and Universities for the implementation of the state strategy of development of the Arctic, Siberia and the Far East
- Demonstration of import-substituting machinery, equipment and technologies for use in Arctic conditions, in difficult of access regions of the Russian Federation
- Discussion of issues and proposals for intensive use of science, new technological solutions in the Arctic and Asian parts of Russia
Exhibition Sections:
- Equipment and technologies for reliable operation industrial and social infrastructure in the Arctic zone and adjacent areas
- Equipment and technologies for the protection of resources and transport routes, the border security of the coastal zone of the Arctic, Siberia and the Far East
- Vehicle for coastal forces and special units in the border areas
- Unmanned multipurpose vehicle systems and devices
- Satellite systems, search tools, intelligence and surveillance
- System communication and control, processing, transmission and protection of information
- Wheeled, tracked and amphibious equipment for difficult of access areas
- Engineering machine, special transport, emergency rescue equipment
- Logistics complexes
- Tools and systems for national security and counter-terrorism; industrial, environmental, fire, transport safety
- Means of prevention and remedy in case of emergencies
- Technologies of energy efficiency in the industrial and social infrastructure in remote areas
- Geological survey, digital mapping, engineering and technology for the development of hard mineral resources in remote regions
- Engineering and petrochemical industries
- Special clothing and footwear, personal and collective protection for the Arctic zone and adjacent areas
- Food for hard-to-reach areas with low temperature
- The system of training and retraining of professional staff, scientific and technical literature and information