Venue: Regional Exhibition Center
Exhibition-Forum Goals:
- To create maximal information support for active job search
- To present ways of labor potential realization
- To provide assistance in line of work and vocational choice
- To provide various opportunities in employment and self-determination in the market of work
- To promote effective job search
Exhibition-Forum Sections:
- Fair of job and education vacancies with participation of employers from regions of Siberian and Ural Federal Districts
- Consulting area
- Consulting center of employment service on issues relating to promotion of employment of population, including the following:
- own business organization
- consultations of specialists of Ministry of labor and social development of the Omsk Region
- consultations of specialists of labor inspections
- consultations of psycologists of vocational guidance center
- consultations of specialists of labor protection center
- business-consulting center of business activity, self-employment with presentation of educational and ground programs of the Omsk regional fund of supporting and development of micro-entrepreneurship, regional public organization "Association of development of small and medium business of the Omsk Region", the Omsk regional business incubator
- Training area
- Master classes:
- "Interview with employer"
- "Rules of CV drawing up"
- business tranings on own business organizing
- psychological practicums for citizens
- Presentation area:
- presentation of the best projects of entrepreneurs who set up business with the help of employment service in 2010 - 2011
- presentation of educational programs of professional education institutions
- presentation of advanced vocational training programs for workers of social services and municipal administration
- ïpresentation of educational programs for unoccupied population
- presentation of professions
- presentation program of business incubator
- presentation of employment service opportunities (within the job fair)
- presentation of core publications related to labor market
- VIP-area:
- meetings with representatives of executive authorities, leading entrepreneurs, heads of organisations
- Research and practice conference "Employment. Career. Education"