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Waste management at regional and municipal levels - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

International Scientific & Practical Conference.

Date: 20.05.2003 - 22.05.2003 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Global-Expo

Topics: Natural Resources, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions


Please be advised that International Scientific& Practical Conference "Regional and Municipal Production and Consumption Waste Management" will take place at the Central Entrepreneurs' House in Moscow from 20th to 22nd May 2003.

The Conference objectives are as follows:

  • analysis of the problems related to regional and municipal waste management at present and in future with regards to reforming of housing and communal sector, local governing authorities and regional authorities representations in RF subjects;
  • quiring information on ways and means of resolving these problems in Russia and in foreign countries with different levels of social and economic development;
  • summarizing of the information acquired and working out recommendations for legislative and executive authorities' bodies of different levels, business and scientific circles, general public , aimed at increasing of environmental, economic and social efficiency of waste management processes;
  • consolidation of waste management processes' participants efforts in protecting their common professional interests and resolving common problems at state level in different economy sectors and in public organizations.

Representatives of legislative and executive federal and regional authorities, municipal chief executive officials, representatives of professional waste management associations, scientists and experts, commercial companies' top managers, decision-makers from loan and investment agencies, foreign and international organizations are invited to reach the Conference objectives set.

Conference will be held in format of 2 plenary sessions and thematic sessions:

1. Reforming of the housing and communal sector, local governments and regional authorities and its influence upon waste management processes (legal, economic and social aspects).
1.1. Administrative contradictions and how to resolve them, management via the related branches, tariffs-forming policy, accountancy system, norm-setting.
1.2. Use of the federal law, normative documents and legal norms in regional and municipal waste management services (municipal work - ordering services, specialized enterprises, small-scale enterprises, etc.)
2. Regional and Municipal Waste Management Know - How Abroad.
3. Waste Management Based on Resource-Saving during Production/Consumption (Cleaner Production/Consumption Principle).
3.1. Resource-saving concept as an alternative to "end-of-pipe" waste management concept: economic, environmental and social aspects. Role of the regional authorities in implementation of the concept.
3.2. Methodology of data collection, enterprises (industrial, transport and service) condition survey and analysis during their transition to cleaner production/consumption.
3.3. Typical programs of industrial enterprises transition to cleaner production/consumption. Programs financing sources and modalities.
3.4. Enterprises cleaner production/consumption transition know-how in Russia and abroad.
4. Use of Waste as Technological and Energy Resources (waste recycling technologies and equipment, products, markets, economics).
4.1. Markets survey of secondary resources and products of their recycling - know-how and results in Russia and abroad.
4.2.Financing sources and modalities for the projects aimed at producing commodities/power from waste/secondary resources
4.3.Technologies and equipment for recycling of different categories of production/consumption waste into commodities/power.
4.4. Efficacious use of local secondary technological and energy resources recycling products: the role of regional and municipal authorities.
5. Small and Average-Scale Business (SAB) in Waste Management.
5.1. Condition and vistas of SAB in Russia. SAB in waste management.
5.2. State (federal, regional, municipal) support of SAB: common problems and peculiarities of waste management sector.
5.3. Sources and modalities of SAB financial support: loans and provisions for their re-payment, investments and leasing.
5.4. Conducting of SAB in waste management.


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