Exhibition sections:
- Electric arc metal welding equipment and technologies (mahual, semi-automatic, automatic, robotized);
- Plasma, laser and gas-flame welding, cutting and fusing equipment and technologies (manual, mechanized, robotized);
- Contact welding equipment and technologies;
- Plastics welding equipment and technologies;
- Welding junctions and raw materials quality control, equipment and technologies;
- Welding materials production materials and technologies;
- Soldering equipment and technologies;
- Thermal processing materials and welding constructions equipment; Welding,cutting, fusing, sputtering, soldering (electrodes, wire, solders etc.) materials;
- Labour protection facilities and methods (special uniform, ventilation systems, respirators.);
- Welding tools and accessories;
- Welding equipment manufacturing electronic elemental base and componentry;
- Training and skill-raising methodics;
- Scientific elaboration and ideas;
- Welding equipment renovation;
- Second-hand and restored welding equipment saloon
Scientific and business program
"Modern welding methods, equipment and technologies" interregional seminar;
"Siberian Athens" contest among exhibition participants;
Exhibition working timetable:
exposition mounting - 26 Oct;
participants registration - 27 Oct, 10.00;
оofficial opening - 27 Oct, 12.00;
WOrking hours - 10.00-17.00.