Venue: The pavilion, 27, Y. Kupala st.
Exhibition Sections:
- Projecting and building of nuclear power plants
- Main equipment mounting, start-up and comission works
- Nuclear power stations of small and medium capacity
- Nuclear reactors and steam truck equipment
- Turbines and steam turbine plant equipment
- Materials of nuclear power engineering
- Fuel cycle:
- uranium production and enrichment
- fuel fabrication
- nuclear materials and radioactive wastes treatment (transporting, storage, utilization, processing)
- Power engineering industry:
- heat exchangers
- pumps
- pipelines
- locking valves etc.
- Systems of management, sensors, gears, control systems
- Environment protection
- Specialists training for nuclear power engineering
- Specific character of work in the nuclear power engineering industry
- Legal questions of nuclear power engineering
- Medical aspects of nuclear power engineering
- Nuclear and radiation safety
- Nuclear power engineering and social consciousness