Промышленно-энергетический форум TNF - 2025
Здравоохранение Юга - 2025

Yamal Neftegaz - 2018

Attention! The event is over.

6th Annual Forum and Exhibition

Date: 20.11.2018 - 21.11.2018 

City: Novy Urengoy - information about city

Holder: Vostock Capital

Topics: Natural Resources, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


"Yamal Neftegaz" is the only site where more than 350 industry leaders meet annually in the YNAO region and in the Russian Arctic. The most reliable information on the strategies and plans of the Government, on the development of existing projects, what challenges faced and what are the solutions, how to develop complex infrastructure projects in the region which technological innovations are introduced and tested as the industry on the Yamal Peninsula affect the position of Russia in the global energy mix and what are the opportunities for business development open to contractors.

Key points of the forum and exhibition:

  • Strategic plenary session:
    Ongoing projects and key areas of development of the oil and gas industry of YNAO and surrounding areas. Dialogue between project operators and the Government.
  • Special focus!
    Mega-projects: Yamal LNG, Arctic LNG 2, Messoyakha Megaproject "YAMAL". Ask questions directly to project managers!
  • New!
    Synergy of projects: development of infrastructure for development of hydrocarbon reserves and development of large-scale production facilities for processing of hydrocarbon raw materials of YNAO.
  • Innovative breakthrough:
    Special sessions on oil and gas production technologies. Anything new? What are the development strategies?
  • Implementation of projects of NORTHERN SEA ROUTE and NORTHERN LATITUDINAL RAILWAY.
    Features of attraction of investments, formation of cargo flows, development of sea ports and railway approaches to them.
  • New place-new opportunities.
    In 2018, the Forum will be held in Novy Urengoy, the industrial center of the region, which will undoubtedly affect a significant increase in the number of Forum participants.

Additional information:
