SIFT - 2025
SIFT - 2025

It's for You, Young Man! - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition-Forum

Date: 14.04.2011 - 18.04.2011 

City: Omsk - information about city

Holder: Advertising and Exhibiting Agency, Ltd.

Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Society


Venue: Regional Exhibition Center

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Promotion of vocational training system in Omsk Region and choosing of educational institution for professional preschool, school and out-of-school education
  2. Advanced training and professional staff retraining
  3. Presentation of wide range of educational services provided by state and non-state institutions of different educational forms
  4. Presentation of new educational and administrative technologies, projects

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Providing information about peculiarities of modern system of education and career advancement. Enhancement of vocational guidance of school leavers
  2. Promotion and effective use of labour resources and extension of business contacts of educational institutions and employers, as well as improvement of staff training
  3. Advisory services to young professionals in choosing promising job, field of practice, companies for employment and professional development, direction of career advancement. Assisting unemployed people in vocational retraining and orientating on labour market
  4. Demonstration of equipment and modern technologies in the field of employment and education

Exhibition Sections:

  • Education:
    • educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational level
    • institutions of pre-school, general and supplementary education
    • non-state educational institutions
    • foreign training centres, distance training centres
    • business-education centres, international educational centres
  • Student life:
    • healthy lifestyle - sports and healthy lifestyle, recreation through activity
    • mass media for youth - student publications, magazines, radio
    • volunteers, student brigades
  • Educational industry: (educational provision)
    • scientific and methodical provision of education, legal groundwork and staffing
    • information technologies in education: modern Internet-technologies, software, multimedia systems, communication tools and equipment
    • training, methodical literature, reference and business materials, belles-lettres, children's books, textbooks, family pedagogics, electronic books
    • office machines and equipment, training facilities, furniture, school supplies and stationery
    • clothing for pupils and students
    • loan programs for education
  • Employment. Career. Business:
    • employment - potential employing companies (big, medium and small business enterprises)
    • vocational re-training centres and advanced training, vocational training at enterprises; re-training courses on the base of Vocational Education System institutions; programmes for training and re-training of specialists; specialized language and computer courses; business-education abroad; practical training programmes
    • specialized and distance courses, second higher education, Master's degree course, postgraduate studies, international education
    • scholarships and grants for education, educational programmes
    • associations, social organizations
    • employment centres and services
    • recruiting and staffing agencies - personnel and educational consulting

Additional information:
