Date | Title, short description | |
26.12 30.12.2006 |
Feria Infantil - 2006 (Zaragoza) Christmas Party |
20.12 30.12.2006 |
Juvenalia - 2006 (Madrid) Children's and Teenagers' Fair |
08.12 10.12.2006 |
Firalacant - 2006 (Alicante) Consumer Goods Fair |
06.12 10.12.2006 |
Auto Retro - 2006 (Barcelona) Antique Cars & Motorcycles Exhibition |
29.11 01.12.2006 |
orto/PRO CARE ESPANA 2006 (Madrid) Trade Fair with Congress for Nursing, Therapy and Care |
29.11 03.12.2006 |
Spanish-Russian Invest Forum - 2006 (Madrid) Spanish-Russian Investment Forum in Madrid |
28.11 30.11.2006 |
EIBTM - 2006 (Barcelona) Global Meetings & Incentive Exhibition |
25.11 03.12.2006 |
Feriarte - 2006 (Madrid) International Art and Antiques Fair |
25.11 26.11.2006 |
Sitem - 2006 (Barcelona) International Symposium on Massage Techniques |
24.11 26.11.2006 |
Esqui y Montaсa - 2006 (Madrid) Ski and Mountain Trade Show |
24.11 26.11.2006 |
Fiesta y Boda - 2006 (Valencia) Show of Products & Services for Celebrations |
24.11 26.11.2006 |
Las Mil y Una Boda en Madrid - 2006 (Madrid) Monographic Wedding and Celebration Products and Services Fair |
24.11 26.11.2006 |
Salon del Sector de Animales de Compania - 2006 (Madrid) Trade Show of the Household Pets Sector |
23.11 26.11.2006 |
Intur - 2006 (Valladolid) International Tourism Exhibition |
21.11 23.11.2006 |
Salon del Vino - 2006 (Madrid) International Wine Fair |
21.11 26.11.2006 |
Sicab - 2006 (Sevilla) International Equestrian Exhibition |
20.11 23.11.2006 |
IGTM - 2006 (Maspalomas) International Golf Travel Market |
18.11 19.11.2006 |
Bebes & Mamas - 2006 (Madrid) The Baby, New and Expectant Mothers Exhibition |
18.11 19.11.2006 |
Bodas & Bodas - 2006 (Barcelona) Everything for your Wedding |
17.11 19.11.2006 |
Expofiesta - 2006 (Alicante) National Popular Fair |
17.11 19.11.2006 |
Fira Novios - 2006 (Alicante) Exhibition of Celebrations |
17.11 19.11.2006 |
Nivalia Ski Show - 2006 (Barcelona) Snow Leisure Show |
14.11 16.11.2006 |
Exposolidos - 2006 (Barcelona) Exhibition for the Handling and Processing of Dry Powder and Bulk Materials |
14.11 17.11.2006 |
FIAA - 2006 (Madrid) International bus and coach trade fair |
14.11 16.11.2006 |
IRF - 2006 (Madrid) International Rail Congress & Exhibition |
10.11 12.11.2006 |
Expominer - 2006 (Barcelona) Minerals and Fossils Exhibition |
07.11 12.11.2006 |
BMP Barcelona Meeting Poin - 2006 (Barcelona) Real Estate Exhibition |
07.11 12.11.2006 |
SIMO TCI - 2006 (Madrid) Spain's International Office Equipment Show |
05.11 07.11.2006 |
Equipaempres - 2006 (Alicante) Professional Exhibition of Equipment, Food and Supplies for Hotel industry and Catering companies |
04.11 06.11.2006 |
Agrotur - 2006 (Barcelona) National fair of rural tourism |
04.11 06.11.2006 |
Almonedas - 2006 (Bilbao) Auction Show |
04.11 06.11.2006 |
Expobodas - 2006 (Bilbao) International exhibition Wedding and Holy Communion Arrangement Show |
04.11 06.11.2006 |
Salon de Bisuteria - 2006 (Bilbao) Costume Jewellery, Gifts and Fashion Complements Show |
04.11 12.11.2006 |
Salon Nautico Internacional - 2006 (Barcelona) International Boat Show of Barcelona |
03.11 05.11.2006 |
Ecuzar - Taurozar - 2006 (Zaragoza) Horse and Bull Show |
01.11 30.11.2006 |
Ocasion - 2006 (Barcelona) Second Hand Vehicle Market |
28.10 01.11.2006 |
Fira de Mostres Girona - 2006 (Girona) Agricultural, Commercial & Industrial Fair |
27.10 30.10.2006 |
Jewellery & Watching - 2006 (Valencia) Valencia International Jewellery & Watching Fair |
25.10 29.10.2006 |
Interart - 2006 (Valencia) International Art Fair |
25.10 27.10.2006 |
Madertec - 2006 (Bilbao) Wood & Woodworking Exhibition |
24.10 28.10.2006 |
Matelec - 2006 (Madrid) International Exhibition of Electrical and Electronic Equipment |
20.10 22.10.2006 |
Equina - 2006 (Silleda) Exhibition for Riding Equipment |
19.10 21.10.2006 |
Barcelona European Golf Show - 2006 (Barcelona) Golf Trade Fair |
19.10 22.10.2006 |
Vivienda - 2006 (Valladolid) International Building and Equipment Exhibition |
18.10 20.10.2006 |
Euroagro - 2006 (Valencia) International Fair of Agricultural Production |
18.10 20.10.2006 |
Iberflora - 2006 (Valencia) International Fair or Horticulture, Forestry & Florist. Gardening, Town Planning & Landscaping Show. Horticultural Technology Show |
17.10 20.10.2006 |
Expoaviga - 2006 (Barcelona) International exhibition for poultry and lifestock techniques |
16.10 17.10.2006 |
Bulkeurope - 2006 (Barcelona) International Conference on Storing, Handling and Transporting Bulk |
14.10 22.10.2006 |
Arte y Antiguedades - 2006 (Valencia) Antiques Fair |
13.10 15.10.2006 |
Motorepoca - 2006 (Valencia) Historical Vehicles Fair |