Date | Title, short description | |
15.11 20.11.2019 |
From Confession to Rebirth of Russia - 2019 International Orthodox Exhibition-Fair |
19.12 21.12.2014 |
World of Gifts. Food for the New Year Table - 2014 Specialized Exhibition |
20.06 21.06.2014 |
Summer Cottage - 2014 3rd Specialized Exhibition of Goods and Services for Home and Garden |
20.06 21.06.2014 |
Foodstuff - 2014 Specialized Exhibition of Food, Beverages, Equipment and Raw Materials for their Manufacture, Sale, Storage |
14.12 15.12.2012 |
World of Gifts. Food for the New Year Table - 2012 Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
07.10 10.10.2010 |
For a fur coat! - 2010 Specialized Fair |
26.11 28.11.2009 |
Formula of Beauty - 2009 3rd Specialized Exhibition |
14.05 16.05.2009 |
World of Childhood - 2009 7th Exhibition of Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers |
24.09 27.09.2008 |
Autumn Fair - 2008 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
20.08 23.08.2008 |
Golden Autumn - 2008 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
08.07 11.07.2008 |
Tver fair - 2008 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
18.06 20.06.2008 |
Paints of Summer - 2008 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
14.05 16.05.2008 |
World of Textiles - 2008 9th Specialized Exhibition |
10.04 12.04.2008 |
Spring Fair - 2008 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
28.02 01.03.2008 |
Tver Spring - 2008 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
14.02 16.02.2008 |
Fashion - 2008 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
31.01 02.02.2008 |
Beauty Industry - 2008 3rd Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
19.12 21.12.2007 |
Christmas Surprises - 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
12.12 14.12.2007 |
Containers and Packing. Glass and Crockery - 2007 Specialized Exhibition |
22.11 24.11.2007 |
Formula of Beauty - 2007 2nd Specialized Exhibition of Goods and Services for Beauty and Health |
15.11 17.11.2007 |
Winter Upcoming - 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
18.10 20.10.2007 |
Made in Russia - 2007 10th Universal Exhibition-Fair |
20.09 22.09.2007 |
Autumn Fair - 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
22.08 25.08.2007 |
Golden Autumn - 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
03.07 06.07.2007 |
Tver Fair - 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
07.06 09.06.2007 |
Summer Paints - 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
17.05 19.05.2007 |
World of Textiles - 2007 8th Specialized Exhibition |
05.04 07.04.2007 |
Spring Fair - 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
01.03 03.03.2007 |
Spring in Tver- 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
15.02 17.02.2007 |
Beauty Industry - 2007 Specialized Exhibition |
25.01 27.01.2007 |
Fashion - 2007 Universal Exhibition-Fair |
21.12 23.12.2006 |
Christmas surprises - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
29.11 01.12.2006 |
World of a glass and utensils - 2006 Specialized exhibition |
23.11 25.11.2006 |
Formula beauty - 2006 The 1st Specialized Exhibition |
16.11 18.11.2006 |
Winter toward - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
19.10 21.10.2006 |
Made in Russia - 2006 The 9th Universal exhibition-fair |
21.09 23.09.2006 |
Autumn fair - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
24.08 26.08.2006 |
Golden Autumn - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
06.07 08.07.2006 |
Tver fair - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
15.06 17.06.2006 |
Paints of summer - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
11.05 13.05.2006 |
The world of textiles - 2006 7th Specialized Exhibition |
06.04 08.04.2006 |
Spring fair - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
30.03 01.04.2006 |
The world of Childhood - 2006 The 5th Specialized Exhibitions |
02.03 04.03.2006 |
The Tver spring - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
09.02 11.02.2006 |
Beauty industry - 2006 Specialized exhibition |
26.01 28.01.2006 |
Fashion - 2006 Universal exhibition-fair |
22.12 24.12.2005 |
Christmas surprises - 2005 Universal exhibition-fair |
07.12 09.12.2005 |
World of a glass and utensils - 2005 Specialized Exhibition |
17.11 19.11.2005 |
Winter toward - 2005 Universal exhibition-fair |
20.10 22.10.2005 |
Made in Russia - 2005 The 8th Universal exhibition-fair |