Date | Title, short description | |
04.04 07.04.2017 |
Health Week in the Republic of Bashkortostan - 2017 2nd Medical Forum and Exhibition |
Press release |
09.11 11.11.2016 |
World of Motherhood and Childhood - 2016 Specialized Exhibition |
12.10 14.10.2016 |
DentalExpo. Ural Stomatology - 2016 17th International Specialized Exhibition of Dental Equipment, Materials and Technologies |
05.10 07.10.2016 |
50 Plus. Health and Longevity - 2016 Universal Exhibition |
27.09 30.09.2016 |
Cosmetology and Dermatology. Beauty Shop - 2016 Specialized Interregional Exhibition |
27.04 29.04.2016 |
Beauty-Professional. The Golden Comb - 2016 Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
29.03 01.04.2016 |
Forum "Healthy Lifestyle" - 2016 Medical Forum |
10.12 12.12.2015 |
50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2015 Universal Exhibition |
18.11 21.11.2015 |
World of Motherhood and Childhood - 2015 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
20.10 22.10.2015 |
Health and Longevity - 2015 Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
20.10 22.10.2015 |
Medicine - 2015 International Specialized Exhibition of Medical Equipment, Instruments, Tools, Materials, Pharmaceuticals |
14.10 16.10.2015 |
DentalExpo. Ural Stomatology - 2015 16th International Specialized Exhibition of Dental Equipment, Materials and Technologies |
22.09 25.09.2015 |
Cosmetology and Dermatology. Beauty Shop - 2015 Specialized Interregional Exhibition |
Online catalog |
27.05 29.05.2015 |
Days of Beauty: Beauty-Professional. The Golden Comb - Altyn Tarak - 2015 Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
24.03 27.03.2015 |
Forum "Healthy Lifestyle" - 2015 Medical Forum |
12.11 15.11.2014 |
Beauty and Health. Fashion - 2014 22nd Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
12.11 15.11.2014 |
World of Motherhood and Childhood - 2014 1st Specialized Exhibition |
28.10 30.10.2014 |
Medicine - 2014 International Specialized Exhibition of Medical Equipment, Instruments, Tools, Materials, Pharmaceuticals |
21.10 23.10.2014 |
DentalExpo. Ural Stomatology - 2014 15th International Specialized Exhibition of Dental Equipment, Materials and Technologies |
01.10 04.10.2014 |
50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2014 3rd Universal Exhibition |
23.09 26.09.2014 |
Cosmetology and Dermatology. Beauty Shop - 2014 Specialized Interregional Exhibition |
03.06 05.06.2014 |
Days of Beauty Ufa: The Golden Comb - Altyn Tarak. Beauty-Professional - 2014 Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
01.04 04.04.2014 |
Forum "Healthy Lifestyle" - 2014 Medical Forum |
Online catalog |
18.11 21.11.2013 |
Beauty and Health. Textile & Fashion - 2013 21st Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
12.11 14.11.2013 |
Health and Longevity - 2013 Specialized Exhibition of Modern Health Technologies, Methodologies and Tools for Health Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Prevention Tools, Aesthetic Medicine Products for Healthy Living |
12.11 14.11.2013 |
Medicine - 2013 International Specialized Exhibition of Medical Equipment, Instruments, Tools, Materials, Pharmaceuticals |
22.10 24.10.2013 |
DentalExpo. Ural Stomatology - 2013 14th International Specialized Exhibition of Dental Equipment, Materials and Technologies |
01.10 04.10.2013 |
All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2013 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
24.09 27.09.2013 |
Cosmetology and Dermatology. Beauty Shop - 2013 Specialized Exhibition |
04.06 06.06.2013 |
Cosmetology-Professional. Golden Comb - 2013 5th Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
26.03 29.03.2013 |
Disinfection - 2013 Specialized Exhibition |
26.03 29.03.2013 |
Balneology: Treatment and Rest - 2013 Specialized Exhibition |
26.03 29.03.2013 |
Care and Rehabilitation - 2013 Specialized Exhibition |
26.03 29.03.2013 |
Pharmacy - 2013 Specialized Inernational Exhibition of Medicinal Preparations, Food Supplements, Raw Stuffs and Equipment for Pharmaceutical Industry |
26.03 29.03.2013 |
Forum "Healthy Lifestyle" - 2013 Medical Forum |
Online catalog |
01.11 04.11.2012 |
Beauty and Health - 2012 20th Exhibition-Fair of Cosmetics, Perfumery and Equipment |
17.10 19.10.2012 |
DentalExpo. Ural Stomatology - 2012 13th International Specialized Exhibition of Dental Equipment, Materials and Technologies |
02.10 04.10.2012 |
Health and Longevity - 2012 2nd Specialized Exhibition of Modern Health Technologies, Methodologies and Tools for Health Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Prevention Tools, Aesthetic Medicine Products for Healthy Living |
02.10 04.10.2012 |
Medicine - 2012 21st International Specialized Exhibition of Medical Equipment, Instruments, Tools, Materials, Pharmaceuticals |
Press release |
25.09 28.09.2012 |
Cosmetology and Dermatology - 2012 Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
05.06 07.06.2012 |
Cosmetology-Professional - 2012 4th Specialized Exhibition |
20.03 23.03.2012 |
Forum "Healthy Lifestyle" - 2012 Medical Forum |
20.03 23.03.2012 |
Balneology: Treatment and Rest - 2012 Specialized Exhibition |
20.03 23.03.2012 |
Secrets of Longevity: Health and Beauty - 2012 Specialized Exhibition |
20.03 23.03.2012 |
Care and Rehabilitation - 2012 Specialized Exhibition |
20.03 23.03.2012 |
Pharmacy - 2012 Specialized Inernational Exhibition of Medicinal Preparations, Food Supplements, Raw Stuffs and Equipment for Pharmaceutical Industry |
31.10 03.11.2011 |
Beauty and Health - 2011 19th Exhibition-Fair of Cosmetics, Perfumery and Equipment |
18.10 20.10.2011 |
DentalExpo. Ural Stomatology - 2011 12th Specialized Exhibition |
04.10 06.10.2011 |
Medicine - 2011 20th International Specialized Exhibition of Medical Equipment, Instruments, Tools, Materials, Pharmaceuticals |
04.10 06.10.2011 |
Ural - Optics - 2011 Specialized Exhibition |