Date | Title, short description | |
05.06 07.06.2008 |
Beauty Medicine - 2008 (Ekaterinburg) 3rd International Exhibition on Plastic Surgery |
05.06 09.06.2008 |
Samara Pearl - 2008 (Samara) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
04.06 07.06.2008 |
KI EXPO - Volga Region - 2008 (Kazan) 5th Specialized Exhibition of Cosmetic and Perfumery Means, Preparations, Equipment and Technologies in Beauty industry |
04.06 07.06.2008 |
Kosmetik Expo. Volga Region - 2008 (Kazan) International Exhibition for Professionals of Beauty Industry |
04.06 06.06.2008 |
Health of Karelia. World of Health and Beauty - 2008 (Petrozavodsk) 14th Specialized Exhibition |
04.06 07.06.2008 |
Gold comb - 2008 (Ufa) 8th Specialized Exhibition-Competition |
04.06 06.06.2008 |
Timber. Woodworking. Furniture - 2008 (Tomsk) 11th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
04.06 07.06.2008 |
Small and Medium Business of Belgorod Region. Small and Medium Business in Russia Recovery. Innovations. Investments - 2008 (Belgorod) 4th Belgorod Forum |
04.06 06.06.2008 |
Volga Region - 2008 (Penza) 9th Interregional Festival of Economic and Cultural Achievements of the Regions in Volga River Basin |
Online catalog |
04.06 06.06.2008 |
Town of Masters - 2008 (Penza) 5th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
04.06 07.06.2008 |
PromTechMash - 2008 (Belgorod) Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
04.06 07.06.2008 |
Regions of Russia - 2008 (Belgorod) 6th Universal Exhibition of Industrial & Consumer Goods Made in Russian Regions |
04.06 07.06.2008 |
Byelorussia in Belgorodchina - 2008 (Belgorod) Exhibition of Industrial & Consumer Goods Produced in Byelorussia |
04.06 07.06.2008 |
Slavic Union - 2008 (Belgorod) Interregional Exhibition |
04.06 06.06.2008 |
Safety Systems and Means. Counterterror - 2008 (Tomsk) 10th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
03.06 06.06.2008 |
NO-DIG - 2008 (Moscow) 26th International Exhibition and Conference on Trenchless Technologies |
03.06 05.06.2008 |
Tissue Russia - 2008 (Saint-Petersburg) International Specialized Exhibition. Equipment for Base Paper Production, Non-Woven Materials and Their Processing into Sanitary and Hygiene Products. Specialized Exhibition "Sanhygien Expo" |
03.06 05.06.2008 |
Autosalon. Auto-Kama - 2008 (Naberezhnye Chelny) 7th International Specialized Exhibition |
03.06 06.06.2008 |
BW-Show - 2008 (Moscow) International Exhibition "Bottling and Bottled Waters" |
03.06 05.06.2008 |
Safety. Fuel and Energy Complex - 2008 (Perm) 9th Specialized Interregional Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Industrial, Fire, Information and Ecological Safety at Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises |
03.06 06.06.2008 |
City. Architecture & Building - 2008 (Ufa) ![]() 15th International Specialized Exhibition of Architecture, Building Industry, Power Economy, Municipal Economy |
Press release |
03.06 06.06.2008 |
InterFurniture - 2008 (Kazan) ![]() 10th Internation Exhibition of Furniture |
03.06 05.06.2008 |
Metallurgy. Mechanical Engineering. Metal-Working. Welding - 2008 (Magnitogorsk) 5th Interregional Exhibition |
03.06 05.06.2008 |
New in Energy-Saving - 2008 (Tver) 13th Specialized Exhibition of Energy Saving Technologies, Equipment and Services; Sanitary Gears Systems, Venting and Air Conditioning |
03.06 05.06.2008 |
Office-Forum - 2008 (Ekaterinburg) 1st Specialized Exhibition-Conference |
03.06 06.06.2008 |
CityPipe - 2008 (Moscow) 3rd International Exhibition "Piping Systems for Municipal Infrastructure" |
03.06 06.06.2008 |
Russian Coal Mining - 2008 (Novokuznezk) 15th International Specialized Exhibition |
03.06 05.06.2008 |
Universal International Exhibition-Fair in Ulan-Ude - 2008 (Ulan-Ude) Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
03.06 06.06.2008 |
EcwaTech - 2008 (Moscow) ![]() 8th International Trade Fair and Congress "Water: Ecology and Technology" |
01.06 02.06.2008 |
Children's Holiday "Festival of Smiles" - 2008 (Yaroslavl) Fair Dedicated to the Children's Protection Day |
01.06 01.06.2008 |
Childhood Planet - 2008 (Yaroslavl) Exhibition-Fair, Timed to the Day of Children's Protection |
30.05 01.06.2008 |
Elite Life - 2008 (Moscow) ![]() International Exhibition of Luxury - Everything for Elite Life, Sports and Rest |
30.05 01.06.2008 |
AutoNewExpo - 2008 (Veliky Novgorod) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
30.05 31.05.2008 |
Astrakhan. Oil & Gas. Energy - 2008 (Astrakhan) 11th Industrial Specialized Exhibition of Oil-and-Gas and Power Engineering Complex |
Online catalog |
30.05 01.06.2008 |
World of Childhood - 2008 (Kirov) 4th Specialized Exhibition |
30.05 31.05.2008 |
Chemical Technologies and Equipment - 2008 (Astrakhan) 11th Specialized Exhibition |
29.05 01.06.2008 |
BabyTime - 2008 (Moscow) ![]() Moscow International Festival of Goods & Services for Expectant Mothers, Children & Their Parents - "BabyTime. Motherhood & Childhood" |
29.05 31.05.2008 |
Autoexpo - 2008 (Kaliningrad) 12th International Exhibition |
29.05 31.05.2008 |
Business for the Consumer. Vladimir's Spring - 2008 (Vladimir) 10th International Exhibition |
29.05 01.06.2008 |
Karelia Agro Expo - 2008 (Petrozavodsk) 4th International Exhibition-Forum |
Press release |
29.05 01.06.2008 |
NorthProdExpo - 2008 (Surgut) 5th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
Press release |
28.05 31.05.2008 |
Autoservice. Autotuning. Commercial Transport - 2008 (Perm) 14th International Exhibition of Commercial Transport, Novelties of Autotuning, Technologies, Installations, Devices and Materials for Service, Repair and Care of Cars, Equipment for Gasoline-Gas-Refuelling and Car Service Stations |
28.05 30.05.2008 |
Agroprom - 2008 (Voronezh) 13th Interregional Exhibition |
Press release |
28.05 30.05.2008 |
VyatkaWoodMach - 2008 (Kirov) 11th Interregional Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
28.05 31.05.2008 |
Town. Ecology - 2008 (Khabarovsk) Specialized Exhibition of Town Infrastructure, Technologies, Machinery and Equipment for Local Public Utilities; Investments, Insurance, Realty Transactions |
28.05 31.05.2008 |
Architecture, Building Industry of Far East Region - 2008 (Khabarovsk) 12th Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
28.05 30.05.2008 |
Medima. Pharmima - 2008 (Krasnodar) 10th Specialized Exhibition of Medical Equipment and Pharmaceuticals |
28.05 30.05.2008 |
Medicine, Beauty and Health - 2008 (Orenburg) Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
28.05 30.05.2008 |
Fashion. Style. Beauty - 2008 (Penza) 6th Interregional Exhibition-Fair |
Online catalog |
28.05 02.06.2008 |
Orthodoxy Russia - 2008 (Rostov-on-Don) Exhibition of Goods and Services Orthodox Manufacturers and Enterprises, Temples, Monasteries, Arrivals |