Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"
Exhibition Sections:
- Institutional questions (law, economics and management)
- Water resources protection
- Water supply:
- municipal
- industrial
- agricultural
- Water treatment for public and industrial needs
- Water treatment and water-chemical processes in power engineering
- Desalination
- Local water-purifying appliances
- Bottling and water bottling (exposition "WB-show")
- Water and health
- Water drainage:
- waste water of cities and settlements
- industrial waste water
- agricultural waste drainage
- waste water sediments utilization
- public toilets
- Industrial washing and cleaning
- Engineering networks: construction, diagnostics, exploitation and repair (exposition "CityPipe")
- Trenchless technologies: pipelines construction and repair (exposition "NO-DIG - 2008 Moscow")
- Materials and equipment for construction, repair and exploitation of hydroeconomics plants
- Devices, apparatus and plants:
- dispetcherization and automation of plants work
- drinking water quality and waste water composition control
- natural water quality monitoring
- water meters and apparatus
- control of work of water-supply plants
- control of work of sewage disposal plants, waste water movement into sewarage system
- Sanitary ware
- Information technologies. Hydroinformatics
- Hydroengineering plants
- Prospecting and extraction of underground water
- Water meliorations
- Prevention and liquidation of emergences aftermaths at water objects
- Water areas rehabilitation
- Reliability of hydroeconomic systems functioning raising