Date | Title, short description | |
05.12 09.12.2001 |
Appartments - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) Specialized exhibition of furniture, interiors and sanitary equipment |
04.12 06.12.2001 |
ExpoMix - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 2-nd International specialized exhibition |
04.12 07.12.2001 |
Lestechprodukzia - 2001 (Moscow) Specialized international exhibition of machinery, equipment and materials for timber, wood-working and pulp and paper industries and of these industries' products. |
Online catalog |
21.11 24.11.2001 |
Home. Comfort - 2001 (Samara) 5th Interregional Multi-Industrial Exhibition with International Participation |
21.11 23.11.2001 |
Your Apartments - 2001 (Yaroslavl) 8th Annual Specialized Exhibition |
13.11 16.11.2001 |
Uralstroyindustry - 2001 (Ekaterinburg) The 5th International Exhibition, Co-organizer L & A, ITE Group |
31.10 02.11.2001 |
Build our house - 2001 (Rostov-on-Don) The |
30.10 01.11.2001 |
Architecture. Building. 2001 (Kazan) The |
30.10 02.11.2001 |
RemBuildExpo - 2001 (Omsk) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
30.10 02.11.2001 |
FIDexpo - 2001 (Omsk) The specialized exhibition. |
30.10 02.11.2001 |
Light. Glass - 2001 (Omsk) The specialized exhibition. |
26.10 28.10.2001 |
The Fair of Real Estate - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd Specialized exhibition |
18.10 20.10.2001 |
Construction and accomplishment - 2001 (Sochi) The specialized exhibition. |
17.10 19.10.2001 |
Building and repair - 2001 (Volgograd) Specialized exhibition. |
16.10 19.10.2001 |
Stroymarket - 2001 (Tyumen) Building and finishing materials, roofing materials, sanitary engineering equipment, electrotechnical instruments, joiner's and metalwork tools. |
15.10 18.10.2001 |
The federal state order - 2001 (Moscow) The Specialized Exhibition |
10.10 12.10.2001 |
Town above Tom - 2001 (Tomsk) Interregional Exhibition-Fair |
10.10 13.10.2001 |
Building - 2001 (Sochi) The specialized exhibition - fair. |
02.10 05.10.2001 |
SamaraBUILD. Autumn 2001 (Samara) The International Exhibition |
27.09 29.09.2001 |
Stroy Market - 2001 (Krasnodar) The specialized exhibition of of Building Machinery, Equipment and Materials. |
27.09 29.09.2001 |
Stroyexpo -2001. (Petrozavodsk) The international specialized exhibition - fair. |
26.09 28.09.2001 |
Stroyexpo - 2001 (Tver) The specialized exhibition. |
26.09 30.09.2001 |
StroyDecor - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 2th International Exhibition. |
19.09 23.09.2001 |
ExpoHome - 2001 (Moscow) International special exhibition |
19.09 21.09.2001 |
Buildindustry - 2001 (Rostov-on-Don) Exhibition of the building equipment and technologies, municipal services, architecture, design |
12.09 15.09.2001 |
Batimat - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 5th International Building & Construction Exhibition |
Online catalog |
12.09 15.09.2001 |
Interiors - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 5th International Exhibition |
Online catalog |
12.09 15.09.2001 |
HEAT*VENT - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 5th International Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
11.09 14.09.2001 |
Construction - 2001 (Vladivostok) 9th Specialized Exhibition - Fair |
10.09 14.09.2001 |
Building and architecture - 2001 (Moscow) 9th international exhibition |
10.09 14.09.2001 |
Expocity - 2001 (Moscow) 7th international exhibition |
06.09 08.09.2001 |
Construction and Accomplishment - 2001 (Novorossisk) Specialized Exhibition |
05.09 07.09.2001 |
WOOD PROCESSING - 2001 (Krasnoyarsk) The 3d trade show of technologies and equipment for timber, wood pulp and paper industries. |
25.06 29.06.2001 |
Cottage- 2001 (Moscow) 6th International Exhibition |
05.06 08.06.2001 |
Municipal Management - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 6th International exhibition. |
Online catalog |
05.06 08.06.2001 |
Extreme - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd Specialized International forum |
Online catalog |
31.05 03.06.2001 |
Architecture, buildindustry of Far East region - 2001 (Khabarovsk) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
24.05 27.05.2001 |
RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
24.05 27.05.2001 |
St. Petersburg - 300 years (Saint-Petersburg) 3rd Exhibition and Conference dedicated to the preparations for the 300th anniversary of St.Petersburg. |
22.05 25.05.2001 |
Drevstroyexpo - 2001 (Omsk) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
22.05 25.05.2001 |
StroyProgress - 2001 (Omsk) 6th Specialized Exhibition |
15.05 18.05.2001 |
Cottage - 2001 (Krasnoyarsk) The trade show of cottage and residential house projects, roofing and insulating materials, systems for heat-, gas- and water-supply, etc. |
15.05 18.05.2001 |
Construction and finishing materials - 2001 (Krasnoyarsk) Exhibition of the construction and finishing materials, technologies and equipment for its manufacture |
26.04 28.04.2001 |
Woodfarming. Furniture -2001. (Petrozavodsk) The international specialized exhibition - fair. |
25.04 27.04.2001 |
WOOD PROCESSING - 2001 (Rostov-on-Don) An exhibition of woodfarming industry, furniture, building materials. |
20.04 24.04.2001 |
Landscape design - 2001 (Moscow) International Exhibition |
17.04 21.04.2001 |
InterStroyExpo - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 7th Annual Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog |
17.04 21.04.2001 |
Windows and doors - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
17.04 21.04.2001 |
Materials of construction and finishing - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd specialized exhibition. |
17.04 21.04.2001 |
Teplovent - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |