Date | Title, short description | |
22.10 25.10.2002 |
Expoclean - 2002 (Moscow) 4th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference for Cleaning Agents, Equipment and Services |
17.10 19.10.2002 |
Roads of Russia - 2002 (Nizhny Novgorod) The 2nd international exhibition-forum |
17.10 19.10.2002 |
Southern capital - 2002 (Rostov-on-Don) Interregional forum |
Online catalog |
17.10 19.10.2002 |
Heat supply - 2002 (Rostov-on-Don) Specialized exhibition. |
17.10 18.10.2002 |
Road Network Development in Russia's Northwest (Saint-Petersburg) The international conference |
16.10 17.10.2002 |
Energy and resources economy in building, industry and the housing and communal complex - 2002 (Yaroslavl) All-Russia scientific-practical conference |
16.10 19.10.2002 |
Roads. Bridges. Tunnels - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) 4th International Specialized Exhibition |
10.10 12.10.2002 |
Buildindustry - 2002 (Rostov-on-Don) Exhibition of the building equipment and technologies, municipal services, architecture, design. |
09.10 11.10.2002 |
City. Resource. Power engineering - 2002 (Veliky Novgorod) Specialized Exhibition |
08.10 10.10.2002 |
Russian water - 2002 (Kazan) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
02.10 04.10.2002 |
A city on the Tom - 2002 (Tomsk) 7th Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
26.09 28.09.2002 |
Stroy Market - 2002 (Krasnodar) The specialized exhibition of building engineering, the equipment, materials and technologies. |
24.09 27.09.2002 |
Energy. Municipal economy - 2002 (Perm) 5th International Exhibition |
18.09 20.09.2002 |
Building forum - 2002 (Voronezh) The 10th specialized inter-regional exhibition. |
17.09 20.09.2002 |
BaikalBuild - 2002 (Irkutsk) The 1-st specialized exhibition |
14.08 16.08.2002 |
AutoWorld - 2002 (Penza) 3th Interregional Exhibition-Fair |
05.06 08.06.2002 |
Chistota (cleenness) - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) Specialized exhibition of household chemicals and services for people. |
04.06 07.06.2002 |
City - 2002 (Krasnoyarsk) Specialized exhibition of municipal infrastructure, as well as technologies and equipment for city utilities |
28.05 31.05.2002 |
City Ingeneering - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) 7-th International Exhibition of Technical & Infrastructures Facilities for Cities. |
Online catalog |
27.05 30.05.2002 |
DORKOMEXPO-2002, Road and Communal Economy (Moscow) 4-rd Moscow international exhibition |
24.05 27.05.2002 |
Architecture. Town-Planning. Restoration - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) The 3nd Specialized Exhibition |
23.05 26.05.2002 |
300th anniversary of St.Petersburg. (Saint-Petersburg) Exhibition and Conference devoted to the 300th anniversary of St.Petersburg |
23.05 24.05.2002 |
Modern problems of preservation and development of the historical centres of cities (Saint-Petersburg) The 3nd international conference |
21.05 24.05.2002 |
City - 2002 (Vladivostok) Specialized exhibition - fair in the field of architecture, construction, development and accomplishment of modern city |
21.05 24.05.2002 |
City - 2002 (Tyumen) Technologies and machines for varied municipal services. Transportation. Real estate. Municipal development and maintenance. Personal services. Environmental protection. |
13.05 15.05.2002 |
Antiparasite - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) International special exhibition |
10.05 12.05.2002 |
Fire safety - 2002 (Rostov-on-Don) Specialized exhibitions |
08.05 12.05.2002 |
Design Land - 2002 (Sochi) The specialized exhibition. |
11.04 14.04.2002 |
Garden and park design. City and flowers. - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) International specialized exhibition of forest-park and gardening culture, cultural landscapeSpecialized exhibition of flowers and hothouse economy. |
10.04 12.04.2002 |
City. Resources. Power Engineering - 2002 (Ekaterinburg) 4th International Exhibition-Conference |
09.04 12.04.2002 |
Industry of entertainment - 2002 (Irkutsk) Specialized exhibition. |
04.04 06.04.2002 |
Savings of energy and Ecology - 2002 (Sochi) The specialized exhibition. |
03.04 05.04.2002 |
Building forum. Municipal economy - 2002 (Voronezh) The 9th specialized inter-regional exhibition. |
02.04 05.04.2002 |
Oil refining & petrochemical industry - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) The 3nd International Specialized exhibition. |
02.04 05.04.2002 |
Refueling complex northwest - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) 6th International Specialized Exhibition |
02.04 05.04.2002 |
Neftegazexpo - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) The 4th International Specialized exhibition. |
02.04 05.04.2002 |
Radiation safety - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) The 5th International Specialized exhibition. |
27.03 29.03.2002 |
Fire safety - 2002 (Rostov-on-Don) Specialized exhibitions. |
27.03 29.03.2002 |
Uralecology Technogen - 2002 (Ekaterinburg) The12d International Exhibition |
26.03 29.03.2002 |
OmskGasNefteChem - 2002 (Omsk) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
20.03 23.03.2002 |
Ecology of big city - 2002 (Saint-Petersburg) Specialized exhibition of constructions and means for water & air basins' protection, equipment for waste processing |
Online catalog |
19.03 22.03.2002 |
Building Industry - 2002 (Samara) 9th Intrregional specialized exhibition with the international participation. |
12.03 14.03.2002 |
Municipal economy - 2002 (Sochi) The specialized exhibition - fair. |
12.03 14.03.2002 |
Rostovstroy - 2002 (Rostov-on-Don) Specialized exhibition. |
12.02 15.02.2002 |
Citytransexpo - 2002 (Moscow) International Exhibition for Urban Transport |
24.01 26.01.2002 |
300th anniversary of St.Petersburg - 2002 (Moscow) Exhibition and Conference devoted to the 300th anniversary of St.Petersburg |
04.12 06.12.2001 |
Factory and domestic waste - 2001. (Kazan) The specialized interregional exhibition. |
21.11 22.11.2001 |
Energy and resources economy in the housing and communal complex - 2001 (Yaroslavl) The All-Russian scientific-practical conference |
13.11 16.11.2001 |
Climatotechnika - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 2nd Specialized exhibition |
13.11 16.11.2001 |
SAVE ENERGY AND ECOLOGY - 2001 (Saint-Petersburg) The 3rd Specialized exhibition |