Date | Title, short description | |
12.05 15.05.2015 |
Pro Arch - 2015 (Branska Bystrica) International Building Fair |
25.03 28.03.2015 |
Coneco - 2015 (Bratislava) International Building Fair |
15.05 17.05.2014 |
ABC stavebnictva - 2014 (Zilina) Exhibition of Architecture, Construction, Interior Design and Landscape |
24.04 27.04.2014 |
Domexpo Nitra - 2014 (Nitra) Exhibition to Construction of Wooden Houses |
02.04 04.04.2014 |
ABC stavebnictva - 2014 (Presov) Exhibition of Building and Garden Design |
27.03 29.03.2014 |
ABC Building - 2014 (Kosice) Exhibition of Architecture, Construction, Interior Design and Landscape |
26.03 29.03.2014 |
Coneco - 2014 (Bratislava) International Building Fair |
08.10 10.10.2013 |
ABC Building - 2013 (Kosice) Exhibition of Architecture, Construction, Interior Design and Landscape |
22.08 25.08.2013 |
StonExpo - 2013 (Nitra) Exhibition of Natural Stone |
23.04 26.04.2013 |
Pro Arch - 2013 (Branska Bystrica) International Building Fair |
18.04 21.04.2013 |
Domexpo Nitra - 2013 (Nitra) Exhibition to Construction of Wooden Houses |
09.04 13.04.2013 |
Coneco - 2013 (Bratislava) International Building Fair |
09.04 13.04.2013 |
Slovrealinvest - 2013 (Bratislava) International Real Estate Fair |
09.04 13.04.2013 |
Construction machinery - 2013 (Bratislava) International Exhibition of Construction Machinery |
05.09 07.09.2012 |
ABC Building - 2012 (Kosice) Exhibition on Architecture, Construction, Interior Design and Landscape |
05.09 07.09.2012 |
Habitation - Garden - 2012 (Kosice) Building and Gardening Exhibition |
22.05 25.05.2012 |
Stavmech-Logitech - 2012 (Nitra) 9th International Exhibition of Construction and Materials Handling Equipment |
24.04 27.04.2012 |
Pro Arch - 2012 (Branska Bystrica) International Building Fair |
19.04 22.04.2012 |
DOMexpo Nitra - 2012 (Nitra) Exhibition Devoted to Construction of Wooden Houses |
27.03 31.03.2012 |
Coneco - 2012 (Bratislava) International Building Fair |
27.03 31.03.2012 |
Slovrealinvest - 2012 (Bratislava) International Real Estate Fair |
27.03 31.03.2012 |
Construction machinery - 2012 (Bratislava) International Exhibition of Construction Machinery |
22.03 24.03.2012 |
ABC Building - 2012 (Presov) Exhibition of Building and Garden Design |
07.09 09.09.2011 |
ABC Building - 2011 (Kosice) Exhibition on Architecture, Construction, Interior Design and Landscape |
12.05 14.05.2011 |
ABC Building - 2011 (Trnava) Exhibition on Architecture, Building, Interior and Landscape Design |
03.05 06.05.2011 |
PRO ARCH - 2011 (Branska Bystrica) International Building Fair |
14.04 17.04.2011 |
DOMexpo Nitra - 2011 (Nitra) Exhibition Devoted to Construction of Wooden Houses |
29.03 02.04.2011 |
Coneco - 2011 (Bratislava) International Building Fair |
29.03 02.04.2011 |
SLOVREALINVEST - 2011 (Bratislava) International Real Estate Fair |
29.03 02.04.2011 |
Construction machinery - 2011 (Bratislava) International Exhibition of Construction Machinery |
23.03 25.03.2011 |
ABC Building - 2011 (Kosice) Exhibition on Architecture, Building, Interior and Landscape Design |
23.03 25.03.2011 |
ABC Building - 2011 (Presov) Exhibition of Building and Garden Design |
07.09 09.09.2010 |
ABC Building - 2010 (Kosice) Exhibition on Architecture, Building, Interior and Landscape Design |
18.03 22.03.2008 |
Coneco - 2008 (Bratislava) International Building Fair |
24.04 27.04.2007 |
For Arch Slovakia - 2007 (Branska Bystrica) International Building Fair |
20.03 24.03.2007 |
Coneco - 2007 (Bratislava) International Building Fair |
02.05 05.05.2006 |
For Arch Slovakia 2006 (Branska Bystrica) International Building Fair |
04.04 08.04.2006 |
Coneco 2006 (Bratislava) 27th International Building Fair |
04.04 08.04.2006 |
Climatherm 2006 (Bratislava) 10th International Fair for Heating and Air-conditioning |