Date | Title, short description | |
09.12 11.12.2014 |
Energy Saving and Energy Efficient Technologies - 2014 (Volgograd) 13th Exhibition-Conference of Energy Saving Technologies, Equipment, Alternative Energy Resources |
Press release |
09.12 11.12.2014 |
Eco-Recycling and Utilization of Industrial Wastes - 2014 (Volgograd) Specialized Exhibition |
06.11 08.11.2014 |
Urbacon - 2014 (Volgograd) Exhibition for Urban and Rural Region Construction and Infrastructure Development |
06.11 08.11.2014 |
South Russian Agro-Industrial Forum - 2014 (Volgograd) Specialized Forum |
Press release |
15.10 18.10.2014 |
Handicraft Cottage - 2014 (Volgograd) Specialized Exhibition |
15.10 18.10.2014 |
Textile and Fashion. Azure Flower (Autumn) - 2014 (Volgograd) 28th International Specialized Exhibition of Products of Textile and Light Industry, Equipment, Raw Materials, Packaging, Labels |
15.10 18.10.2014 |
Main Health! - 2014 (Volgograd) 5th Specialized Exhibition of Products and Services for Healthy Lifestyle |
17.06 19.06.2014 |
Inprom is the New Vectors of Development - 2014 (Volzhski) Volgograd Industrial Energetic Forum |
17.06 19.06.2014 |
World of Safety. SpasPozhTekh - 2014 (Volzhski) 17th Specialized Security Exhibition and Forum |
17.06 19.06.2014 |
TeleCom World - 2014 (Volzhski) 11th Specialized Exhibition for IT |
07.06 08.06.2014 |
Russkaya Troika - 2014 (Volgograd) Horse Exhibition |
07.06 08.06.2014 |
Trinity - 2014 (Volgograd) Fair of Consumer Goods, National Artistic Trades |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
Green Week - Garden and Park Tools - 2014 (Volgograd) 7th Exhibition of Equipment, Small Machinery and Tools for Gardens and Parks |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
Handicraft Cottage - 2014 (Volgograd) Specialized Exhibition |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
Green Week - Gardens and Parks - 2014 (Volgograd) 17th Exhibition of Flowers, Planting Materials, Landscape Design and Architecture. Fountains and Pools |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
Ah, the Wedding, Wedding! - 2014 (Volgograd) 2nd Exhibition of Accessories, Services, Clothing and Equipment for Special Ocasions |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
Textile and Fashion. Azure Flower (spring-summer) - 2014 (Volgograd) 27th International Exhibition-Fair of Textile and Light Industry |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
Mother and Child - from A to Z - 2014 (Volgograd) Exhibition of Products for Pregnant Women, Postpartum Period and Newborns |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
MoDoS: Fashion. House. Family - 2014 (Volgograd) 3rd Exhibition-Fair of Consumer Goods |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
Main - Health! - 2014 (Volgograd) 4nd Specialized Exhibition of Products and Services for Healthy Lifestyle |
09.04 12.04.2014 |
National Artistic Trades and Crafts - 2014 (Volgograd) 28th Exhibition-Fair of Craftworks |
08.02 09.02.2014 |
Zoo Exhibition - 2014 (Volgograd) 4th Specialized Exhibition of Goods for Pets |
Press release |
19.12 22.12.2013 |
Christmas - 2013 (Volgograd) Specialized Exhibition-Fair of Consumer Goods |
09.12 11.12.2013 |
Energy Saving and Energy Efficient Technologies. Region-Electro - 2013 (Volgograd) 10th Exhibition of Electrotechnical Equipment, Electrical Machines, Devices, Apparatuses and Modern Technologies in Power Generation |
Press release |
09.12 11.12.2013 |
Technoforum - 2013 (Volgograd) 14th Specialized Industrial and Technical Exhibition |
Press release |
09.12 11.12.2013 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry. Eco-Recycling and Utilization of Industrial Wastes - 2013 (Volgograd) 16th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
Press release |
16.10 19.10.2013 |
National Artistic Trades and Handicrafts - 2013 (Volgograd) 27th Exhibition-Fair of Articles of National Artistic Trades |
16.10 19.10.2013 |
Textile and Fashion. Lazorevy Flower (Autumn) - 2013 (Volgograd) 26th International Specialized Exhibition of Textile and Light Industry Equipment, Raw Materials, Packaging, Labels |
Press release |
22.06 23.06.2013 |
Russkaya Troika - 2013 (Volgograd) Horse Exhibition |
28.05 30.05.2013 |
Power Economy of the Region - Restart - 2013 (Volgograd) Volgograd Energy Forum |
21.05 23.05.2013 |
World of Safety - 2013 (Volgograd) 16th Exhibition of Safety Systems and Facilities, Special Communications Equipment, Information Security |
Press release |
21.05 23.05.2013 |
TeleCom World - 2013 (Volgograd) 10th Specialized Exhibition for IT |
Press release |
21.05 23.05.2013 |
SpasPozhTekh - 2013 (Volgograd) 16th Exhibition of Equipment, Technical and and Special Rescue Facilities, Fire Prevention Systems, Equipment, Materials |
Press release |
17.04 20.04.2013 |
National Artistic Trades and Crafts - 2013 (Volgograd) 26th Exhibition-Fair of Craftworks |
17.04 20.04.2013 |
Textile and Fashion. Azure Flower - 2013 (Volgograd) 25th International Exhibition-Fair of Textile and Light Industry, Equipment, Raw Materials, Packaging, Labels |
Press release |
08.04 11.04.2013 |
Green Week - Garden and Park Tools - 2013 (Volgograd) Exhibition of Equipment, Small Machinery and Tools for Gardens and Parks |
Press release |
08.04 11.04.2013 |
Urbacon: The house of your dreams - 2013 (Volgograd) 8th All-Russian Exhibition of Urban Planning |
08.04 11.04.2013 |
Zoo Exhibition - 2013 (Volgograd) 3rd Specialized Exhibition of Goods for Pets |
08.04 11.04.2013 |
Green Week - Gardens and Parks - 2013 (Volgograd) 16th Exhibition of Flowers, Planting Materials, Landscape Design and Architecture. Fountains and Pools |
Press release |
08.04 11.04.2013 |
The Most Important Thing - Health - 2013 (Volgograd) 3rd Specialized Exhibition Products and Services for Healthy Life |
02.03 05.03.2013 |
Ah, the Wedding, Wedding... - 2013 (Volgograd) Wedding Salon |
02.03 05.03.2013 |
Mother and Child - from A to Z - 2013 (Volgograd) Exhibition of Products for Pregnant Women, Postpartum Period and Newborns |
02.03 05.03.2013 |
MoDoS: Fashion. House. Family - 2013 (Volgograd) 2nd Exhibition-Fair of Consumer Goods |
20.12 23.12.2012 |
Christmas - 2012 (Volgograd) Specialized Exhibition-Fair of Consumer Goods |
Press release |
12.12 14.12.2012 |
Region-Electro - 2012 (Volgograd) 9th Exhibition of Electrotechnical Equipment, Electrical Machines, Devices, Apparatuses and Modern Technologies in Power Generation |
12.12 14.12.2012 |
Technoforum - 2012 (Volgograd) 13th Specialized Industrial and Technical Exhibition |
12.12 14.12.2012 |
Equipment - Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2012 (Volgograd) 15th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Materials, Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry, Oil Refining Complex |
12.12 14.12.2012 |
Energy Saving and Energy Efficient Technologies - 2012 (Volgograd) 11th Exhibition-Conference of Energy Saving Technologies, Equipment, Alternative Energy Resources |
17.10 20.10.2012 |
National Artistic Trades and Handicrafts - 2012 (Volgograd) 25th Exhibition-Fair of Articles of National Artistic Trades |
17.10 20.10.2012 |
Textile and Fashion. Lazorevy flower (Autumn) - 2012 (Volgograd) 24th International Specialized Exhibition of Textile and Light Industry Equipment, Raw Materials, Packaging, Labels |
Online catalog Press release |