Venue: "Rodina" Exhibition Center
Exhibition Sections:
Oil. Gas. Chemistry:
- Project designs and research developments, new technologies for fuel and energy complex, chemical and oil refining industry, reservoir geology and geophysics
- Machinery and equipment for oil and gas extraction complex, oil platforms
- Transportation and storing of oil and gas, transportation, accompanying products, plumbing, water, rail, road transport for raw petroleum and derivatives transportation
- Construction of oil and gas, chemical and oil refining industry facilities, heavy machinery, heavy machinry and devices, equipment and instruments
- Instrumentation, oil and gas extraction and processing automation systems
- Plumbing protection and anticorrosive equipment
- Energy-saving technologies
- Equipment for fuel station
- Finished products of oil and gas processing and chemical industry
- Firefighting system, overalls for oil and gas complex and chemical industry
- Machine equipment, systems and technologies for modernization
"Eco-processing and industrial waste utilization":
- Scientific research results, technologies, equipment for promotion of environmental security , ecological monitoring of oil and gas extraction and oil-processing plants
- Treatment, utilization, deactivation and storage of petrochemical wastes
- Equipment and technologies for production of minerals open and underground in the ways
- Concentrating equipment, sorting, crushing
- Mountain and mine machines and equipment
- Control and measuring, laboratory equipment
- Electrotechnical equipment of mines, pits
- Ventilation of mounting excavations. Gas occurrence monitoring systems for mines
- Fire-prevention equipment. Safety equipment. Working clothes