Date | Title, short description | |
14.10 17.10.2009 |
Real-Estate Fair - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
06.10 09.10.2009 |
Stomatology - 2009 (Irkutsk) 1st Specialized Exhibition |
06.10 09.10.2009 |
Siberian Public Health Care - 2009 (Irkutsk) 16th Specialized Exhibition |
27.09 29.09.2009 |
Irêutsk Land - 2009 (Irkutsk) 9th Exhibition of Achievements of Municipal Bodies of Irkutsk Region |
22.09 25.09.2009 |
TechMachExpo - 2009 (Irkutsk) 2nd Exhibition of Technologies, Equipment, Outfit, Tools for Different Industries, Automation of Production and Non-Destructive Testing |
22.09 25.09.2009 |
Energy-Saving: Technologies. Devices. Equipment - 2009 (Irkutsk) 12th Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Power Saving Technologies |
15.09 18.09.2009 |
Forest Utilisation in Siberia. Lesprombusiness - 2009 (Irkutsk) 15th International Exhibition of Timber, New Woodworking Technologies, Modern Tools, Outfit, Equipment for Enterprises of Timber Industry |
08.09 10.09.2009 |
Siberian Subsoil Management. Ecology. Business. Nature Management - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition of Technologies, Equipment, and Services for Rational Management of Siberian Subsoil Resources |
11.08 14.08.2009 |
Garden. Kitchen Garden. Country House - 2009 (Irkutsk) 9th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
11.08 14.08.2009 |
Baikal Festival of Floristics - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
27.05 30.05.2009 |
Siberia: Hunting. Fishing - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition for Hunting and Fishing, Tourism, Shooting Sports, Active Rest Industry on the Whole and Related Industries, Hunting Resources Effective Use, Protection, and Reproduction |
27.05 30.05.2009 |
Sport. Rest - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition of Technologies, Equipment, and Services for Sports and Active Rest |
12.05 15.05.2009 |
Baikal Building Week - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition with International Participation of New Building Technologies, Equipment, Materials, Services |
21.04 24.04.2009 |
Sibautoservice - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
21.04 24.04.2009 |
Transport and Roads of Siberia - 2009 (Irkutsk) 15th Specialized Exhibition of Road and Transport Machines, Equipment, Services, and New Car Brands |
21.04 24.04.2009 |
Sibautosalon - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
14.04 17.04.2009 |
Equipment. Packing - 2009 (Irkutsk) 15th Specialized Exhibition of Foods and Beverages, Raw Stuff and Equipment for Food and Processing Industry, Machines, Technologies, Packing Materials, Labels, Polygraphic Services, Trading Equipment |
14.04 17.04.2009 |
Siberian Food. Beverages - 2009 (Irkutsk) 15th Specialized Exhibition of Food and Beverages, Raw Materials, and Equipment for Food and Processing Industries, Machines, Technologies, Packing Materials, Labels, Polygraphic Services, Trade Equipment |
07.04 10.04.2009 |
Security and Safety Systems - 2009 (Irkutsk) 8th Specialized Exhibition |
07.04 10.04.2009 |
Building Innovations. Special Machines - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
07.04 10.04.2009 |
SibInfocom - 2009 (Irkutsk) Exhibition of Communication Means, Telecommunications, Information Technologies, Computer Hardware |
31.03 03.04.2009 |
Beauty Industry- 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition of Goods and Services for Beauty and Health |
31.03 03.04.2009 |
World of Family - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
24.03 27.03.2009 |
Knowledge. Profession. Career - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
11.03 14.03.2009 |
Zoovetindustry - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition of Goods and Services of Veterinary and Zootechnic Industries |
25.02 28.02.2009 |
Baikaltour - 2009 (Irkutsk) 13th Exhibition of Touristic Services |
04.02 06.02.2009 |
Innovative Forum - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Forum |
14.01 16.01.2009 |
City Educational Forum - 2009 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition of New Technical Solutions, Scientific Discoveries, Educational Programs and Services |
10.12 14.12.2008 |
Furniture. Interior. Comfort - 2008 (Irkutsk) 9th Specialized Exhibition |
02.12 04.12.2008 |
The Impossible is Possible - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
19.11 21.11.2008 |
Baikal Forum of Enterpreneus - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
19.11 21.11.2008 |
Festival of Art of Cookery and Service - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
11.11 14.11.2008 |
Realty Fair - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
28.10 31.10.2008 |
Agroindustrial Week - 2008 (Irkutsk) 12th Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
14.10 17.10.2008 |
World of Beauty - 2008 (Irkutsk) 2nd Specialized Exhibition |
14.10 17.10.2008 |
Style and Fashion - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
14.10 17.10.2008 |
Design and Advertising Festival "Baikal-Ardi" - 2008 (Irkutsk) 8th Specialized Exhibition of Advertising and Designer Services, Equipment and Materials, Artists, Designers, Architects Works |
07.10 10.10.2008 |
Siberian Public Health Care - 2008 (Irkutsk) 15th Specialized Exhibition of Medical Facilities, Equipment, Services and Pharmaceutical Preparations |
01.10 03.10.2008 |
Irêutsk Land - 2008 (Irkutsk) 8th Exhibition of Achievements of Municipal Units of Irkutsk Region |
23.09 26.09.2008 |
Energy-Saving: Technologies. Devices. Equipment - 2008 (Irkutsk) 11th Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Power Saving Technologies |
16.09 19.09.2008 |
TechMachExpo - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
16.09 19.09.2008 |
Forest Utilisation in Siberia. Woodworking - 2008 (Irkutsk) 14th Specialized Exhibition of Wood-Processing Equipment and Machinery, as Well as Forest Management Technologies |
Press release |
16.09 19.09.2008 |
Natural Resources Utilization - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
09.09 11.09.2008 |
Siberia and Far East: Large Scale Projects and Programs - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
12.08 15.08.2008 |
Garden. Kitchen Garden. Dacha - 2008 (Irkutsk) 8th Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
12.08 15.08.2008 |
Baikal Festival of Floristics - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition-Fair |
28.05 31.05.2008 |
Siberia: Hunting. Fishing. Leisure Time - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition of Outfit, Equipment and Services in Hunting and Fishing, Hunting Trophies |
13.05 16.05.2008 |
Baikal Building Week - 2008 (Irkutsk) 13th Specialized Exhibition with International Participation |
Press release |
22.04 25.04.2008 |
Protection and Security Systems - 2008 (Irkutsk) Specialized Exhibition of Environmental Safety and Personal Security. Security Systems |
Press release |
22.04 25.04.2008 |
SibInfocom - 2008 (Irkutsk) International Exhibition-Forum |
Press release |