Date | Title, short description | |
29.01 01.02.2002 |
Office - 2002 (Tyumen) Specialized equipment & services, hardware & software, communications, office & bank furniture, stationery. |
29.01 01.02.2002 |
Safety and safeguard - 2002 (Tyumen) Specialized safety and signalling systems, videosurvey, firearms and ammunition. Protective overalls |
29.01 01.02.2002 |
Advertising & Polygraphy - 2002 (Tyumen) Publishing systems, printing equipment and accessories, advertising and design services, copying devices, photo equipment. |
05.01 08.01.2002 |
Dove of the third millenium - 2002 (Tyumen) The finest breeds; nomination of champions among local and foreign breeds. Veterinary items, food. Inventory. Literature. |
11.12 15.12.2001 |
Christmas Fair-2001 (Tyumen) Fair of consumer goods, christmas gifts, souvenirs, new-year tree decorations. |
20.11 23.11.2001 |
Medicine and protection of health. Medicine engineering. Pharmacy. Optics.-2001 (Tyumen) The medical equipment, tools, pharmaceutical drugs, optical Instruments, means of medical cosmetics, rehabilitation engineering, sport inventory. |
01.11 30.11.2001 |
Wholesale-2001 (Tyumen) The local commodity producers of agricultural production, products of power supply, manufactured goods. Trading organizations: wholesale, jobbing, trading-purchasing bases, dealers. |
16.10 19.10.2001 |
Furniture - 2001 (Tyumen) Modern soft and case furniture for residential and office accommodations, offices, trade halls. Furnishing items and furniture accessories, fabric for furniture production. |
16.10 19.10.2001 |
Stroymarket - 2001 (Tyumen) Building and finishing materials, roofing materials, sanitary engineering equipment, electrotechnical instruments, joiner's and metalwork tools. |
16.10 19.10.2001 |
All for house - 2001 (Tyumen) Subjects of an interior. Carpet items, crockery and kitchen accessories, goods of household chemistry, household equipment and engineering. |
05.06 08.06.2001 |
Summer - 2001. Clothes. Footwear. Adornments. Haberdashery. Cosmetology. Sport. (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
05.06 08.06.2001 |
Wines. Beer. Drinks - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition |
22.05 25.05.2001 |
AZS-Complex - 2001 (Tyumen) Machines and equipment for building and exploitation of filling stations. |
22.05 25.05.2001 |
Auto show- 2001 (Tyumen) Trucks, cars, special automobiles, buses, motorcycles, trailers, engines, accessory, equipment for garages and service centers, autospares, autochemistry, autorubber. |
22.05 25.05.2001 |
City- 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
03.04 06.04.2001 |
Electronics and communication for fuel and energy complex- 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
03.04 06.04.2001 |
Gasification. Gas equipment - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
03.04 06.04.2001 |
Power equipment- 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
13.03 16.03.2001 |
Foodstuff - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
13.03 16.03.2001 |
Packing. Label- 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
13.03 16.03.2001 |
Agricultural- fair - 2001 (Tyumen) Agricultural machinery and equipment, technics for farming, technological complex for processing of agricultural products security facilities for plants and sabadilla, fertilizers, veterinary preparations. Exhibitions-fair Dacha. |
20.02 23.02.2001 |
Woodworking - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
20.02 23.02.2001 |
Building and architecture - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
08.02 09.02.2001 |
Russian market of passes - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
30.01 02.02.2001 |
Design, Advertising, Publishing - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
30.01 02.02.2001 |
Office - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized exhibition. |
30.01 02.02.2001 |
Safety and safeguard - 2001 (Tyumen) Specialized Exhibition |
19.12 22.12.2000 |
Christmas Fair (Tyumen) Fair of consumer goods, christmas gifts, souvenirs, new-year tree decorations. |
04.12 07.12.2000 |
Wholesale (Tyumen) The local commodity producers of agricultural production, products of power supply, manufactured goods. Trading organizations: wholesale, jobbing, trading-purchasing bases, dealers. |
21.11 24.11.2000 |
Medicine and protection of health. Medicine engineering. Pharmacy. Optics. (Tyumen) The medical equipment, tools, pharmaceutical drugs, optical Instruments, means of medical cosmetics, rehabilitation engineering, sport inventory. |
17.10 20.10.2000 |
Furniture - 2000 (Tyumen) Modern soft and case furniture for residential and office accommodations, offices, trade halls. Furnishing items and furniture accessories, fabric for furniture production. |
17.10 20.10.2000 |
Stroymarket - 2000 (Tyumen) Building and finishing materials, roofing materials, sanitary engineering equipment, electrotechnical instruments, joiner's and metalwork tools. |
17.10 20.10.2000 |
All for house - 2000 (Tyumen) Subjects of an interior. Carpet items, crockery and kitchen accessories, goods of household chemistry, household equipment and engineering. |