Здравоохранение Урала - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

Server News

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "UralExpo", our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Orenburg next year. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Expotour" Ltd., our portal contains information about exhibition "ITM - Intourmarket - 2011", which will be held in March of the next year in Moscow. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with fund "North Palmira", our portal contains information about exhibition "Exhibitional Saint-Petersburg - 2010", which will be held in November of this year. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with company "Ural Exhibitions", our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Ekaterinburg in 2010. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with company BALTIC-EXPO, our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Kaliningrad in 2011. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with company "NuernbergMesse GmbH" (Germany), our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Nuernberg in 2011 year. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with Saint Petersburg Union of Printers, our portal contains information about exhibitions "Peterburg Polographic Salon - 2010", which will be held in Saint-Petersburg in September of this year. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with Exhibition Company "Expo-Volga", our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Samara this year. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "SOUD" company, our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Sochi in 2011. More info...

EXPONET.RU began cooperation with "International Association of Fashion Houses - Support and Fashion Industry Development Center", our portal contains information about exhibition "Salon of Author's Fashion. Autumn - 2010", which will be held in Moscow. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "WorldExpo Group" company, our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Moscow in March of the next year. More info...

EXPONET.RU began cooperation with "International Expo-Consults LLC" company (United Arab Emirates), our portal contains information about exhibition "DEAL - 2011", which will be held in April of the next year. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Troyan" exhibition firm (Ukraine), our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in Kiev in 2011 year. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Expo Service ltd.", our portal contains information about exhibition "MosExpoDental - 2010", which will be held in Moscow in November of this year. More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with Exhibitional Enterprise "Expoforum" (Belarus), our portal contains information about exhibition "Welding - 2010", which will be held in September of this year in Minsk. More info...

EXPONET.RU began cooperation with "Mega-Expo Ltd.", our portal contains information about exhibition "Maritime Industry of Russia - 2011", which will be held in Moscow in 2011 year. More info...

EXPONET.RU have started cooperation with Dalian Xinghai Exhibitions Co., Ltd. (China), our portal has information about the exibition "Shiptec China - 2010", wich takes place in Dalian in october this year. More info...

EXPONET.RU began cooperation with "Arabian Exposition" company, our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and in Nairobi (Kenya). More info...

EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Fashion News SA" (Greece), our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Athens in 2010 and 2011 years. More info...

EXPONET.RU began cooperation with "InterGroup" company, our portal contains information about exhibition "Furs and Leather at VDNKh - 2010", which will be held in Moscow in August of this year. More info...
