Server News
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "PennWell Conferences & Exhibitions" (USA), our portal contains information about exhibition "RUSSIA POWER - 2011", which will be held in Moscow in 2011 year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Marmara Tanitim Fuarcilik", our portal contains information about exhibition "ISAF - 2010", which will be held in Istanbul in 2010 year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Regional Exhibition Center" Ltd., our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Ekaterinburg in 2010 year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with ZAO VK VVC "Industry and Building", our portal contains information about exhibition "Oil. Gas. Industry of Russia - 2010", which will be held in Moscow in december of 2010 year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "LENEXPO" company, our portal contains information about exhibition "Power Generation and Electrical Engineering - 2011", which will be held in Saint-Petersburg in May of the next year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with Russian exhibition company "EXPODESIGN", our portal contains information about exhibition "LaboratoryExpo - 2010", which will be held in Moscow in November of this year. More info...
EXPONET.RU began cooperation with "Expo-Moscovia" company, our portal contains information about exhibition "Household Goods and Furniture - 2010", which will be held in Moscow in september of 2010 year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "MaxInform" company, our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Tver in 2010 year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "KANT" exhibition company, our portal contains information about exhibitions which will be held in in this year in Arkhangelsk. More info...
EXPONET.RU began cooperation with "Cyf Fuarcilik Ltd. Sti." company, our portal contains information about exhibitions, which will be held in Istanbul and in Ankara in the next year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with "Health and Beauty Business Media Kft." company, our portal contains information about exhibition "Beauty Hair & SPA - 2010", which will be held in Budapest in November of this year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with Organizing Technical Centre "Interopttorg", our portal contains information about exhibition "Summer Cotage. Garden. Landscape. Small Mechanization - 2011", which will be held in Moscow in March next year. More info...
Added calendar of the exhibitions of "ITE LLC MOSCOW" company. There is information about exhibitions "Meat Industry - 2011" and "Milk Industry - 2011" on our portal. These exhibitions will be held in march of the next year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with Sanatorium-resort union "Health-centers of Anapa resort-town", our portal contains information about exhibition "Ànapa - the brightest sun of Russia - 2011", which will be held in 2011 in Anapa. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with the "Expo-Don" company, our portal contains information about the exhibition "ELECTRO - 2011. Electrical and Power Engineering", which will be held in Rostov-on-Don in march of the next year. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with the "HINTE Messe und Ausstellungs GmbH" company (Germany), our portal contains information about the exhibitions, which will be held in Karlsruhe in 2010 and 2011. More info...
EXPONET.RU continued cooperation with the "VertolExpo" Ltd., on our portal there is an information about exhibitions, which are going to be held in 2011 in Rostov-on-Don. More info...
EXPONET.RU began cooperation with NP "Northwest Agrotehnopark", our portal contains information about the "Non-Black Earth Area - 2010" exhibition, which will be held in July of this year in St.Petersburg. More info...
EXPONET.RU began cooperation with the "MADI Group" company (Czech Republic), our portal contains information about the "Madi Travel Market - 2010" exhibition, which will be held in November of this year in Prague. More info...
EXPONET.RU began cooperation with the "CPE Exhibition" company (Belgium), our portal contains information about the "Brussels - Innova / Eureka - 2010", which will be held in November of this year in Brussels. More info...