Venue: Volgograd Sports Pàlace (Universal Sports and Show Complex of Volgograd Trade Unions)
Exhibition Sections:
- Salon-exhibition "Advertsing and design":
- advertising products, services, design, firm style, clothes
- technologies and equipment for advertising production
- manufacturers and suppliers of materials for advertising
- outdoor advertising, decoration elements
- indoor advertising
- graphical and environmental design
- image-making and PR-campaigns organization
- souvenir corporate products
- specialized literature
- Salon-exhibition "Polygraphy and equipment":
- polygraphic services
- consumables for polygraphy
- computer hardware and software for polygraphy
- offset and digital printing
- special printing types
- equipment for mini-printing shops
- publishing houses
- equipment and materials for packing and labels production
- normative and technical literature in the field of polygraphy