Aerospace Technology, Modern Materials and Equipment. Kazan - 2014

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International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 05.08.2014 - 08.08.2014 

City: Kazan - information about city

Holder: Kazan Fair

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Venue: Exhibition Centre "Kazanskaya Yarmarka"

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Development of scientific, technical and technological capacity of plants and organizations involved in the development and production of aviation and space machinery
  2. Enhancing the international cooperation and trade
  3. Activation of innovation activities
  4. Promotion to the implementation of the federal target programs "Development of Russian civil aviation fin 2002-2010 and up to 2015" and "Modernization of the Russian's transport systems"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Innovations in organization of the modern aircraft manufacturing
  • New alloys, materials and techniques of processing thereof
  • Modern aircraft control facilities
  • Equipment to be used in the aerospace sectors
  • Plasma, magnetic and electronic equipment in the control and display systems
  • High-precision and knowledge-intensive industrial process equipment
  • Development and application of optical, metal optical and electro-optical products in the control and navigation systems and technology
  • Equipment and technology for polymer material processing, articles made of polymer materials
  • Innovations in organization and equipping of the aircraft service maintenance in the airlines
  • Peculiarities of manufacturing organization and technologies used in the quasi flow-line manufacturing of aircrafts
  • Labor protection and industrial safety rules
  • Innovations in organization of the financial and operating leasing, as well as other forms of interaction with the product consumers

Additional information:
