Venue: Exhibition Centre "Agrobiznes of Chernozem Region" of Voronezh Agricultural State University
Exhibition Sections:
- Tractors, combine harvesters, mounted and towed implements, agricultural transport
- Tillage machines, ploughs, harrows, cultivators, chisel plows, combined aggregates
- Feed harvesting machinery, mowing machines mounted and towed, tedder rakes, loaders, trailers, hey storage machinery and conservation
- Watering and meliorative machinery
- Fertilizing and plants protection machinery
- Equipment for seeds preparation and after harvesting agricultural products processing
- Equipment for farms, elevators, warehouses for agricultural products
- Repair, technical maintenance and diagnostics of tractors and machinery depot
- Spare perts, componentry, tools, expenditure materials
- Special tyres, wheels
- Oils, fuel and lubricative materials
- Seeds, planting materials
- Technologies of agricultural products cultivation
- Fertilizers, pesticides
- Biotechnologies
- Equipment for laboratories
- Credit, leasing, ensurance