Venue: Regional Theatre n.a. Pogodin
Exhibition Sections:
- Agricultural equipment:
- tractors
- harvester-threshers and fodder choppers
- equipment for livestock and poultry farms
- spare parts
- Equipment for grain elevators, grain stores, mills:
- flour-milling industry technologies and equipment
- grain cleaners, belt, scraper, conveying, grizzly loading, drying, ventilating, aspiration, packing equipment
- installations for pneumatic and mechanical silage treatment, domes, compressions and corks damage
- automotive and railway scales for grain weighing when it goes into grain elevators
- equipment for grain sample testing
- handling equipment
- grain, seeds, legumes, and oil-plant crops cleaning and drying
- equipment and materials for packing, marking, and filling of finished products
- finished products storage
- flour of all sorts and kinds, by-products
- projecting and building of elevators, granaries, mills of different types
- building materials for construction of elevators, granaries, mills
- mobile mini-grain elevators, compact granaries, grain elevator-mills, mini-mills for farms
- laboratory, control and measuring equipment
- fire and explosion safety of elevators, granaries and mills
- grain protection from pests
- ecology and waste recycling
- research developments in elevator industry
- special literature
- Grain industry:
- equipment for seed cleaning stations
- methods and mechanization means of sowing and harvesting works
- modern technologies of control and care for grain-crops ripening
- mechanization of grain transportation means
- modern means of grain cleaning and drying
- production and processing of raw materials for cereals industry (wheat, rye, rice, barley, corn, oat, buckwheat, millet and other grain products)
- grain, corn, and different sorts of cereals, malt, grain food
- grain-crops sorts, subsorts and hybrids of different earliness of ripening and ways of using
- agricultural engineering, machines and equipment of corn processing for grain, silage, herbage, seeds, corn germs
- technology and equipment for processing of grain crops, corn at the bakery, confectionery, flour-milling, canning, distillery plants. Technology and equipment of cereals industry, including the ones for farms
- equipment and materials for packing, marking and filling of finished products
- storage of raw materials and finished products
- transporting, handling equipment
- grain crops protection from diseases and pests at all stages of growing, storage, and processing
- means and methods of seeds and grains quality control
- modern research developments in the field of processing, growing, selection of grain crops
- environmental aspects and recycling of grain production waste
- special literature
- Mixed fodders industry:
- raw materials and special additives for the production of mixed fodders
- modern research developments for mixed fodders industry
- laboratory equipment and quality control methods for raw materials and mixed fodders
- equipment for production of mixed fodders
- mini-plants for mixed fodders production
- storage and transportation of mixed fodders
- equipment and materials for packing, marking and filling of mixed fodders
- mixed fodders industry products
- wholesale trade of mixed fodders for farm and domestic animals and poultry
- special literature
- Veterinary:
- veterinary preparations
- veterinary and zootechnic equipment
- Agricultural and gardening equipment